Discord-Image-Logger icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Discord-Image-Logger copied to clipboard

A simple Discord bot that is designed to log deleted images, configurable to use for a multitude of guilds.

Discord Image Logger

Hi there

This is a Discord bot designed to log deleted images and send those to a particular channel.


  • Configurable logging channels
  • Compatibility with multiple guilds
  • No database necessary
  • Logs all attached images to a particular channel when the message is deleted
  • Doesn't crash on uncaught exceptions


Required Priviliged Intents: Server Members (GUILD_MEMBERS) and Message Content (MESSAGE_CONTENT)


Encounter any bugs? Open an issue!


I do not accept any responsibility if this code is used for any malicious or unlawful purposes.


Installing NodeJS

First step is to install NodeJS. You can download the latest version from here. Download the LTS version for your operating system.

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Installing the bot

Download the repository. Once downloaded, head to the config.js file. Follow the instructions there to add your configuration data. Once done, open a terminal in the directory and run npm install. This will install all the dependencies.

Adding the bot to your server

Head to the Discord Developer Portal and create a new application. Once done, head to the 'Bot' tab and click 'Add Bot'. Before we get to anything else, we need to configure Intents. This can be done by replicating the settings shown below:

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These are found on the 'Bot' section of your application.

Once done, make a new file in the main folder and name it .env. Copy your bot's token. Inside the .env file, write "token=your_discord_token_goes_here", replacing your_discord_token_goes_here with your bot's token which you had copied moments earlier.

Bot invite link: https://discord.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=YOUR_CLIENT_ID&scope=bot&permissions=8 You can use the above lik to add your bot to your server. Replace YOUR_CLIENT_ID with your bot's client ID. You can find this in the 'General Information' tab of your application in the Discord Developer Portal.

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Once done, run node index.js to start the bot. You can do this by either clicking and running 'start.bat', or by holding shift+right clicking in the folder and then clicking 'Open PowerShell window here' and then typing node index.js to start the process. If you have not installed your dependencies, then the bot will not start. You can install your dependencies by running the command npm install in the terminal.


If anybody needs help with this, feel free to open an issue on GitHub and I will get back to you as soon as I can.


Discord-Image-Logger © Asad Humayun.

Authored and maintained by Asad.