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30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace. These videos may...

Results 277 30-Days-Of-Python issues
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I addressed the issue in the Day 4: Strings folder. _In the find() example, if find() returns the position first occurrence of 'y', then shouldn't it return 5 instead of...

For Mac users, now to check the python version in the terminal, the command is `python3 --version`

where i'll get the solutions of exercises pl tell me how to code Q no **8** & **9**

Techinal information update

1. edited the welcome paragraph on the readme.md 2. minor text changes on day 27

As a programmer you will see such kind of errors on daily basis. -> As a programmer you will see such kinds of errors on a daily basis. Let us...

Hey i addes comments to understand the code better .Please look into it and also suggest anything you want me to add in this.

Hey Author. Great job done. No words to thank you. I am unable to under what are we supposed to do in exercise 15 of day 3. It doesn't ask...

### Fix for issue #265 `find():` Returns the index of the first occurrence of a substring, if not found returns -1 challenge = 'thirty days of python' print(challenge.find('y')) # `5`...