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Some games appear to have missed translations
Dear developer,
I've been utilizing the texthook-20240314.zip you provided in the Alpha build archive. However, while translating this game, I encountered a paragraph ranging from 2 to 30 words, with the translation consisting of only 1 to 2 words, or sometimes not translated at all.
The name of the game is "はぱすてるチャイム Continue".
Here is the download link: https://pacifal-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/cxfkanesx_pacifal_onmicrosoft_com/EmQ3jHIKX-hLkF8A70yQHxABipfk0K6P5Oy4sZ4pTQCBfw?e=3Jz4gC Code is: L3^a>7
try this HS-4:14@B6D0:SACT2.dll