Arthur van de Vondervoort
Arthur van de Vondervoort
Working together with @StefanMaron to support multiple version of the AL Language.  I've did an overhaul of the build pipeline, to build against multiple version of the AL Language....
Good news!  The combination of the new [v0.30.18]( version of the LinterCop, combined with the new [0.1.7]( version of the VS Code now supports multiple version of the AL...
I'm going to close this issue, where I believe it's resolved with the latest update of the LinterCop (combined with the VS Code extension) to handle this.
I've looked into this, but unfortunately it's challenging to support this. The rule currently only gathers set of tables without the direction between them. It will also be challenging to...
If there a specific scenario's where we can suppress the rule, that would be great. Can you share an example or a small project for me to better understand the...
```AL internal procedure "PTE-XXX-IsDeletable"(): Boolean internal procedure IsDeletable(): Boolean ``` I've looked into this and the Code Analyser can see the right naming of the procedures.  But when we...
Thank you for providing an small project, this is very helpful. Unfortunately there isn't a direct property 'DataUpgrade' available, but indeed we could determine whether this is the case with...
 I've found a solution for the Quotation Marks and the method and object now matches according their name. > What do you think about a new rule: "procedure names...
This should now be resolved in the release version of [v0.30.25]( of the LinterCop.
Thanks! This is indeed a good improvement for this rule and is resolved in the (pre)release version of [v0.30.16]( of the LinterCop.