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Asynchronous, HA (master-master) PostgreSQL driver on top of libpq.

Asynchronous, HA (master-master) PostgreSQL driver on top of libpq.

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  • [x] Designed to work with a master-master replicated database, such as BDR (but standalone databases are supported too).
  • [x] Uses libpq, leveraging it's asynchronous support.
  • [x] Maintains an asynchronous connection to every node of the replicated cluster.
  • [ ] Pings the nodes (with SELECT 1) to see who's closer/faster.
  • [x] Every operation is a separate transaction.
  • [x] If a node fails, the operation is transparently retried on another node.
  • [x] Operations are exposed as futures.
  • [x] futures are backed by a thread or two and can be used without a tokio reactor (because KISS).
  • [ ] Fast mode: send the operation to every node and return the first answer.
  • [x] Pin mode: send the operation to one of the nodes only (useful to avoid some of the master-master conflicts).
  • [x] There is a JSON helper converting table rows to serde_json objects.
  • [ ] If the operation wasn't pipelined already, dropping a Future allows the driver to cancel it.
  • [x] Database-level timeouts can be used to terminate slow operations early.


The combination of libpq and OpenSSL doesn't work very well during PostgreSQL server restarts. I've seen libpq SEGV-crash reliably when the OpenSSL layer is enabled. For the driver to properly work around PostgreSQL server unavailability and restarts I recommend adding the "sslmode=disable" disabler to the connection strings.