FSharp.GrpcCodeGenerator copied to clipboard
How is a repeated field initialized on a send request?
I have tried the following - and all permutations - without success
message Rectangle { int32 X = 1; int32 Y = 2; int32 Width = 3; int32 Height =4; } message Word { google.protobuf.Int32Value VocabularyId = 1; bytes Strokes = 2; string Text = 3; string Confidence = 4; Rectangle BoundingBox =5; }
message SaveVocabularyRequest { repeated Word Words =1 ; }
This fails:
let h = words |> Seq.map InkWordToWord |> Seq.toList
{ Protocol.ProtoBuf.SaveVocabularyRequest.empty() with Words = { Words = {h}} }
Error Message: No Assignment given for field '_UnknownFields' of type 'Protocol.ProtoBuf.SaveVocabularyRequest
Thank you.
The line below doesn't look right:
{ Protocol.ProtoBuf.SaveVocabularyRequest.empty() with Words = { Words = {h}} }
Don't you mean something like the following:
let wordsFields = RepeatedField()
{ Protocol.ProtoBuf.SaveVocabularyRequest.empty() with Words = wordsFields }