Ian Eborn (Thaumaturge)
Ian Eborn (Thaumaturge)
Hi, sorry, yes--I've been meaning to get to these changes but just haven't thus far! ^^; On the plus side, this update does push it up a little in my...
Okay, in looking at this again today I've encountered a wrinkle: It's all very well and good to have a label for empty lists--but attempting to open the popup-menu for...
A good thought. Looking quickly at HTML--specifically [via W3Schools](https://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_select)--I see that in that language a drop-down with no entries is in fact allowed, with no (immediately apparent) error. Specifically, the...
Some of these could indeed be useful, I do think! ^_^ > Get the angle between two vectors (angle). We have this one already, do we not? At least for...
1) I _think_ that I've done so--but I'm not confident in that. Please check and confirm for me. 2) Done, if I understand the means of doing so correctly. 3)...
If dropping on a specific UI element is ever desired, that might be implemented by observing the mouse-position when the dropping occurs and then determining the UI element beneath that...
If you're not using it already, there is the "[CollisionPolygon](https://docs.panda3d.org/1.10/python/programming/collision-detection/collision-solids#collisionpolygon)" class, which provides collision with arbitrary geometry. Aside from building these up yourself, you can define a collision-mesh composed of...
I think that for many non-level purposes, it's not uncommon that the object's form can be approximated with primitives. This tends, I think, to be rather more efficient, while the...
Regarding the last point, the sizing of windows via percentages, perhaps the setting might additionally allow an aspect-ratio to be specified. In such a case, the final width and height...
Conversely, it reproduces as described on my system. OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 Panda version: 1.10.14 Python version: 3.10.12 Install method: Pip, I think.