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PowerShell provider for FTP sites

This project is no longer maintained.

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PsFtpProvider is a PowerShell provider for FTP sites.

It allows you to interact with FTP sites using the commandlets you use for working with local files, such as Set-Location (cd), Get-ChildItem (dir) and Get-/Set-Content. Sites are loaded by default from Filezilla's sitemanager.xml if present, and exposed as drives you can cd into.


  • PowerShell 5.0

    otnet publish -f net47
  • PowerShell Core (Windows)

    otnet publish -f netcoreapp2.2 -r win-x64
  • PowerShell Core (Linux)

    otnet publish -f netcoreapp2.2 -r linux-x64


  • Import the provider into a PS session

     PowerShell 5.0
    mport-Module ./bin/Debug/net47/publish/PsFtpProvider.psd1
     PowerShell Core (Windows)
    mport-Module ./bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/win-x64/publish/PsFtpProvider.psd1
     PowerShell Core (Linux)
    mport-Module ./bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/linux-x64/publish/PsFtpProvider.psd1

    or copy the publish directory's contents to your module path so that it's loaded at startup

     PowerShell 5.0
    opy-Item -Recurse ./bin/Debug/net47/publish/ ~/Documents/WindowsPowerShell/Modules/PsFtpProvider
     PowerShell Core (Windows)
    opy-Item -Recurse ./bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/win-x64/publish/ ~/Documents/PowerShell/Modules/PsFtpProvider
     PowerShell Core (Linux)
    opy-Item -Recurse ./bin/Debug/netcoreapp2.0/linux-x64/publish/ ~/.local/share/powershell/Modules/PsFtpProvider
  • List all FTP sites provided as drives by this provider (defaults to any sites defined in Filezilla's sitemanager.xml)

    et-PSDrive -PSProvider PsFtp
  • Add a new site (not persisted outside the current session)

     With credentials
    ew-PSDrive -PSProvider PsFtp -Name 'MyFTPSite' -Hostname '' -Port 21 -Root / -Credential $(Get-Credential)
     Without credentials
    ew-PSDrive -PSProvider PsFtp -Name 'MyFTPSite' -Hostname '' -Port 21 -Root /
  • Enter the site's directory

     The drive's "Name" followed by a colon and slash is what you cd into, just like you would cd into C:\
    d MyFtpSite:/
  • Browse around

    • List all items in current directory

    • List all items in current directory recursively.

       If not supported by the server, this returns the same results as without the -Recurse switch
      ir -Recurse
    • Get a file's contents

       Get a binary file's contents
      c ./file.bin
       Get a text file's contents
      c ./file.txt -Encoding UTF8
    • Download a file

       Can't use Copy-Item because it doesn't support the source and target being different providers.
       Download a binary file
      System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes('C:\file.bin', $(gc './file.bin'))
       Download a text file
      et-Content C:\file.txt $(gc './file.txt' -Encoding UTF8) -Encoding UTF8
       You don't need to cd to the site drive first. Fully qualified paths work too.
      System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes('C:\file.bin', $(gc 'MyFtpSite:/file.bin'))
      et-Content C:\file.txt $(gc 'MyFtpSite:/file.txt' -Encoding UTF8) -Encoding UTF8
    • Set a file's contents

       Set a binary file's contents
      et-Content ./file.bin [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes('aaa')
       Set a text file's contents in the given encoding
      et-Content ./file.txt 'aaa' -Encoding UTF8
       Set a text file's contents without specifying the encoding. Defaults to UTF-8.
      et-Content ./file.txt 'aaa'
    • Upload a file

       Upload a binary file
      et-Content './file.bin' -Encoding Byte $(gc -Encoding Byte 'C:\file.bin')
       Upload a text file. Get-Content will return one string per line and Set-Content will add a `n at the end of each.
       If the original file did not have `n newlines, this will cause the file on the server to be different from the local file.
       If you don't want this to happen, use binary mode as in the above example
      et-Content './file.txt' -Encoding UTF8 $(gc -Encoding UTF8 'C:\file.txt')
       Upload a text file. Let PS guess the encoding of the input file. Output encoding still defaults to UTF8 and each line is terminated with a `n.
      et-Content './file.txt' $(gc 'C:\file.txt')
    • Append to a file

       Append to a binary file
      dd-Content ./file.bin [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes('aaa')
       Append to a text file in the given encoding
      dd-Content ./file.txt 'aaa' -Encoding UTF8
       Append to a text file without specifying the encoding. Defaults to UTF-8.
      dd-Content ./file.txt 'aaa'

Caveats of the drive cache

PsFtp drives cache the directory structure to avoid making repeated calls to the FTP server. For example, if you run dir in a directory, it will cache the list of children to make future invocations of dir faster. If you then create a file a.txt using another FTP client in the same directory, running dir will continue to show the old directory listing.

In this case, you can use the Clear-FtpDriveCache commandlet to clear the cache for the drive.

# Clear the current drive's cache

# Clear the cache of a particular drive
Clear-FtpDriveCache $(Get-PSDrive MyFtpSite)

In some cases, this cache self-heals. For example, in the above example, dir would not show the new file until you cleared the cache and ran dir again. However, if you didn't clear the cache and tried to do gc a.txt, PsFtpProvider would try to look up a.txt in the cache, fail to find it, and refresh the cache automatically to see if it exists now. After that, you would start seeing a.txt in the output of dir.




Copyright 2014 Arnav Singh

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

FTP implementation is provided by FluentFTP which uses the MIT license.