go-tdlib copied to clipboard
README building instruction does not work for latest tdlib
Hi *,
As by following the readme file to compile the example code but I got linking errors. I typed the following for building the example
go build --ldflags "-extldflags '-static -L/usr/local/lib -ltdjson_static -ltdjson_private -ltdclient -ltdcore -ltdactor -ltddb -ltdsqlite -ltdnet -ltdutils -ldl -lm -lssl -lcrypto -lstdc++ -lz'" -o /tmp/getChats getChats.go
I tried as well with -lc++
go build --ldflags "-extldflags '-static -L/usr/local/lib -ltdjson_static -ltdjson_private -ltdclient -ltdcore -ltdactor -ltddb -ltdsqlite -ltdnet -ltdutils -ldl -lm -lssl -lcrypto -lc++ -lz'" -o /tmp/getChats getChats.go
but got same outcome. The full error logs is here
it seems there are linking errors with the tdlib I installed by compiling from source.
go env
go version go1.18.5 linux/amd64
os info:
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS
Release: 22.04
Codename: jammy
td-lib latest installed following building instructions for go
any suggestions?
I'm facing the same issue right now
Is this library still functional and supported? The docker build instructions don't work for me