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Addon 'BasebuildingPlus' requires addon 'RPC_Scripts'
Hey there
I've been looking around on the web without being able to understand what's the matter I so wanted to check you git but the error doesn't seem to be that popular..
Can you explain to me the issue and how to fix it please?
Hey @Emixam23,
can you please share the full error message here?
Hey there!
Hmm not sure how to find these kind of information..
I have this batch file
@echo offserverDZ.cfg@
::Server name
set serverName=Bushido & Mods
::Server files location
set serverLocation="C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZServer"
::Server Port
set serverPort=2302
::Server config
set serverConfig=serverDZ.cfg
::Logical CPU cores to use (Equal or less than available)
set serverCPU=2
::Sets title for terminal (DONT edit)
title %serverName% batch
::DayZServer location (DONT edit)
cd "%serverLocation%"
echo (%time%) %serverName% started.
::Launch parameters (edit end: -config=|-port=|-profiles=|-doLogs|-adminLog|-netLog|-freezeCheck|-filePatching|-BEpath=|-cpuCount=)
start "DayZ Server" /min "DayZServer_x64.exe" -config=%serverConfig% -port=%serverPort% -mod=@BaseBuildingPlus;@BBP_Vanilla_Dmg;@Big Grampa - Tree House;@BuilderItems;@CF;@Dabs Framework;@DayZ Camo Overhaul;@DayZ-Dog;@DayZ-Expansion;@DayZ-Expansion-Core;@FlipTransport;@IRP-Land-Rover-Defender-110;@MorePresents;@MuchStuffPack;@NatureOverhaul;@The Fallen;@WindstridesClothingPack -cpuCount=%serverCPU% -dologs -adminlog -netlog -freezecheck
::Time in seconds before kill server process (14400 = 4 hours)
timeout 14390
taskkill /im DayZServer_x64.exe /F
::Time in seconds to wait before..
timeout 10
::Go back to the top and repeat the whole cycle again
goto start
So when running it, a windows pops up and says *Addon 'BasebuildingPlus' requires addon 'RPC_Scripts'
Having exactly the same problem. Server kicks connecting clients (that are up to date) for CF version mismatch. Maybe a server-side parsing problem since the version looks way off?
Player Unknown (********) kicked from server: 146 (Client has a more recent version. Please wait until server updates. (Community Framework (PBO: PBO: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DayZ\!Workshop\@CF\addons\legacy.pbo (ClientVersion: 145 | ServerVersion: 23042115) )))
Managed to get my server up and running. The base I built in 1.21 is also still there, which is really nice.
I'm not sure what fixed it but I did these things:
- vanilla dayz launcher: Mods -> CF -> click '...' -> repair
- Go to 'your_dayz_server_root_folder/@CF/' and delete all files.
- vanilla dayz launcher: Mods -> CF -> click '...' -> copy to a folder...
- When prompted to select a folder, select your dayz server root folder.
- Go into your dayz server root folder and then into '@CF/keys/' and copy the file you find there to 'your_dayz_server_root_folder/keys/'
- restart your server
Happy hunting.
Hey there,
Following your response, i tried it out, however, I am getting this output at launch time, is it normal?
I just installed @CF and removed all the rest, as well as the key. I then followed up your intructions
any idea regarding this behavior?
@Emixam23 Not sure what went wrong there. If you look in the logfile you see a lot of lines with 'Scripted variables corrupted upon'. It seems your server tries to restore the last saved gamestate, but it can't get to some data or the data it finds is corrupt. I didn't get these errors at any point, I made sure not to touch the data inside 'storage_1' folder. (dayz_server_folder/mpmissions/dayzOffline.MAP_OF_YOUR_SERVER/storage_1). My guess would be something is wrong in that storage folder.
The storage folder should not be a problem. Delete the @CF workshop item folder and redownload it on your server. Validate the mod files on the client via the official launcher "repair" action, then it will work.