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Hooks and Convars
How can i change the amount of rounds of a SPECIFIC map??? Because i want to change the time and the rounds only for a specific map but i don't know how… if anyone help me with that i'be very happy… Thanks btw.!
just made this, should do the job. Create a file in lua > autorun > server > filename.lua and paste it in there.
local maplimits = { -- Add maps and round limits here
mapname = "deathrun_example_map",
maprounds = 2
mapname = "deathrun_example_map2",
maprounds = 5
hook.Add( "InitPostEntity", "customroundlimits", function()
local map = tostring( game.GetMap() )
for i=1, #maplimits do
if map == maplimits[i].mapname then
RunConsoleCommand( "deathrun_round_limit", maplimits[i].maprounds )
MapSettings do the job.
Create the mapsettings
directory and your map files, example:
RunConsoleCommand("deathrun_round_limit", 20)
so we make a file in maps or in the gamemode files
so we make a file in maps or in the gamemode files
In gamemode/mapsettings