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SNES emulator for the 3DS.

Results 18 blargSnes issues
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Giving the ability to display the SNES output on the bottom screen would be pretty interesting and useful: for 2|3DS devices with a broken top screen, for GB Macro builds,...

I remember using 'Mario Paint' on SNEmulDS (SNES emulator for DS) and it was cool, it supported using the touch screen as the SNES mouse. If you pressed on a...

The music constantly skips, as if it were losing 1/4 of a beat every time, consistently. Heard it happening in 'Mario Paint' and 'Tetris and Dr. Mario'.

It would be interesting to add the three main features of the SNES official Virtual Console into blargSNES: - An in-game button combo to switch from first player controller to...

I think it would be useful if the settings and main menu could be controlled with the buttons too. My idea is: on the main menu, press X to exit...

'Super Mario Kart' gets softlocked after you try to boot it: it displays the Nintendo logo and nothing happens after that. You can still keep using the emu and switch...

'Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island' crashes the emu after you try to run it. You need to reset the console to be able to keep using blargSNES and the...

I don't play this game. Please fix!

Hello! Appreciate all the hard work you've all been putting into blargSnes! I've just upgraded from v1.2 to v1.3, and ever since, "The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the...

System: New 3DS XL on 10.4.0-29E. Build: CIA build from latest source (veryhard) with latest ctrulib from Github. devkitARM r45. Problem(s): The mode 7 filter makes the bg look very...