in addition to the provided: various extra type support via: { GL_EXT_shader_atomic_float GL_EXT_shader_atomic_float2 & GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types GL_EXT_shader_atomic_int64 } (+16 for int64 uint64) (+12 for float float16_t double) total: 32+16+12 = 60...
and likley need to add the functions at a later date since it connects more with GL_KHR_memory_scope_semantics: atomicLoad atomicStore (+2*7 functions = 14)
to reach parity we would need extended types for image atomics (i64, u64, float):{ i64image1D u64image1D i64image1DArray u64image1DArray i64image2D u64image2D i64image2DArray u64image2DArray i64image2DRect u64image2DRect i64image2DMS u64image2DMS i64image2DMSArray u64image2DMSArray i64image3D...
missing modifiers for buffer & image: coherent volatile restrict readonly writeonly
image types of importance: image1D -- float uimage1D -- 32bit uint iimage1D -- 32bit int u64image1D -- 64 bit int i64image1D -- 64 bit int
will need to add a system to watch if doing readonly writeonly as parameter to error accordingly, or at a minimum emit GLSL for these as parameters (allowed to be...
format qualifier currently missing implementation with layout() for syntax parsing
currently our TextureImpl system has no concept of a "rect", 2D textures were being used so far, but this causes incorrect results (not in any tests, so does not come...
various texture formats are missing and also need to be added to testing infrastructure
Tentative Plan: 1. For an initialization list of a struct to be legal, it must match up to a constructor. 2. We will only auto-gen a constructor with a parameter-list...