
Results 74 comments of Aria

@Johnly1986 In my tests, Theatre handles thousands of keyframes pretty smoothly, so this particular issue is probably unrelated to Theatre, but if you can share a codesandbox reproduction, we can...

@Johnly1986 so I did a quick test, but removed the `console.log()` calls because those just overwhelm the devtools with a bunch of calls every frame. For me, playback itself was...

This is planned for 1.1. Will publish roadmap so it can be tracked.

@rm-vt This looks interesting. Is there any way you can share a reproduction on Stackblitz/Codesandbox/Git repo?

@nestarz this sounds like a nice feature. Would an API like this work? ```ts const obj = sheet.object(/* ... */) studio.transaction((t) => { // transforms all the keyframes in obj.props...

Folks, can you share a reproduction on [codesandbox]([stackblitz](

This is being worked on. Had to lay some groundwork via #440.

This sounds like a great feature to have. Maybe `seq.getKeyframes(object.props.x) => Array` or something like that. It's not yet on the roadmap but I'll be happy to merge a PR...