@tschlenther @michalmac Thank you for your responses. The problem is as the simulation does not stop and runs endlessly so it does not produce output data and also instead of...
@michalmac Thank you for your response. I edited the point that you mentioned but unfortunately I still have the issue! I tried 3 different versions and it runs only with...
Dear Prof. @JWJoubert , thank you for your response and asistance.
Dear Dr. @mrieser , thank you so much for your assistance and prompt response.
Dear Dr. @mrieser , thank you so much for mentioning that useful website! I really appreciate it.
Dear Prof. @kainagel thank you for your response and guidance, I look deeper to the points that you have mentioned.
Dear Prof. @kainagel, I tried running my scenario by using "RunLocationChoiceFrozenEpsilonsExample" in matsim code examples package. The code runs without any errors, but I still have some doubts and would...
Dear Prof. @kainagel, thank you so much for your guidance. Having thoroughly read the paper you recommended, I have derived the following results. I would be grateful if you could...
Dear Prof. @kainagel, thank you so much for your thorough explanation.