This change allows you to read data from OpenDTU over Modbus. It runs parallel to MQTT.
[]( If you need Modbus registers, see here
As TCP, port 502. No additional config necessary. If you need Modbus registers, see here
Selected registers are the same as those in the original DTU and adapted to libraries reading data from the original DTU. Unfortunately, they implemented 8-bit modbus there, which hangs all...
Are you using PlatformIO?
There you have ready to use library: in python plant_data = HoymilesModbusTCP('192.168.1.xx', port=502, microinverter_type=MicroinverterType.HM, unit_id=modbusID, dtu_type=1).plant_data
Fornius 9CA1 = 0x1008 For power 0x100A and 0x100B Remember, however, that if you have more than one microinverter, the addresses jump every 20. If you want to send all...
I think that one day I will come back to mastering Modbus and creating a subpage where I can set everything up. How closely does this version follow the original...