button copied to clipboard
Button library supports debounce, pressed/released events. It is easy to use with multiple buttons. It is designed for not only beginners but also experienced users
Hi, Thanks for this library ! I just download the 1.0.3 (latest) zip file, but when unziping I noticed that it's missing some source code modifications like the INPUT mode...
If the button is pressed when you start the program, previousSteadyState is wrong, and you first need to wait for the button to be released for the ezbutton to start...
Expanding on the examples in https://forum.arduino.cc/t/for-beginners-the-simple-way-to-program-for-multiple-buttons-code-example/629651 and https://github.com/ArduinoGetStarted/button/blob/master/examples/07.ButtonArray/07.ButtonArray.ino , I wrote an example using an array of structs with ezButtons as elements. It might be nice to add as an...