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Arducam OV2640 auto set light mode produces an image with poor colour, poor contrast and poor brilliance.
OV2640 set light is defined as
void ArduCAM::OV2640_set_Light_Mode(uint8_t Light_Mode)
#if (defined (OV2640_CAM)||defined (OV2640_MINI_2MP)||defined (OV2640_MINI_2MP_PLUS))
case Auto:
wrSensorReg8_8(0xff, 0x00);
wrSensorReg8_8(0xc7, 0x00); //AWB on
Unlike the rest of the set light settings, the image produced is un-useable. Is 0xc7, 0x00 correct? Examination of ov2640_regs.h, shows references to 0xc7, 0x10
Is there an online reference to confirm the correct value for OV2640 auto setting?
Hi, I have already responded to you on the forum.