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Code Table Request - New Agents and Agent Attributes - Add Pronouns to new Agent Attributes
Initial Request In discussion by the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, the issue of adding pronouns to Agent Attributes using the new system of attributes was gone over.
Suggestion was presented by Michelle Koo that we could add the information to the profile attribute and format it using html. Committee members agreed that this would be possible, but also added it would be nice to have a link to the html cheat sheet available.
Describe what you're trying to accomplish. This is the only necessary step to start this process. The Committee is available to assist with all other steps. Please clearly indicate any uncertainty or desired guidance if you proceed beyond this step.
Add pronouns to Attributes in Agents
Describe why this new value is necessary and existing values are not. When considering previous request for pronouns: it was discussed that the original request related to the ability to search pronouns of agents within and across collections. Having the pronoun information in the Profile would not make it easily searchable. As a result, the committee decided to request pronouns be added as a Agent Attributes to the Identification section also see:
Code Tables are Link to the specific table or value. This may involve multiple tables and will control datatype for Attributes. OtherID requests require BaseURL (and example) or explanation. Please ask for assistance if unsure. Agent Attributes free text under Identifiers
Proposed Value
Proposed new value. This should be clear and compatible with similar values in the relevant table and across Arctos.
Proposed Definition
Clear, complete, non-collection-type-specific functional definition of the value. Avoid discipline-specific terminology if possible, include parenthetically if unavoidable.
@AJLinn here you go with the issue to create the definition for pronouns maybe: The term preferred pronouns is used to mean the (third-person) personal pronouns a person identifies with and would like to be referred to by. People usually state the subject and object pronoun (e.g., “she/her”) but may also include the possessive (e.g., “she/her/hers”).
Collection type
Some code tables contain collection-type-specific values. collection_cde
may be found from
Agents - we were thinking under the Identification section
Attribute Extras
Attribute data type
If the request is for an attribute, what values will be allowed? free-text, categorical, or number+units depending upon the attribute (TBA)
free text
Attribute controlled values
If the values are categorical (to be controlled by a code table), add a link to the appropriate code table. If a new table or set of values is needed, please elaborate. NA
Attribute units
if numerical values should be accompanied by units, provide a link to the appropriate units table. NA
Part preservation attribute affect on "tissueness"
if a new part preservation is requested, please add the affect it would have on "tissueness": No Influence, Allows, or Denies
Example Data
Requests with clarifying sample data are generally much easier to understand and prioritize. Please attach or link to any representative data, in any form or format, which might help clarify the request.
Available for Public View
Most data are by default publicly available. Describe any necessary access restrictions. public view
Helpful Actions
[x] Add the issue to the Code Table Management Project.
[ ] Please reach out to anyone who might be affected by this change. Leave a comment or add this to the Committee agenda if you believe more focused conversation is necessary.
All of the following must be checked before this may proceed.
The How-To Document should be followed. Pay particular attention to terminology (with emphasis on consistency) and documentation (with emphasis on functionality). No person should act in multiple roles; the submitter cannot also serve as a Code Table Administrator, for example.
- [ ] Code Table Administrator[1] - check and initial, comment, or thumbs-up to indicate that the request complies with the how-to documentation and has your approval
- [ ] Code Table Administrator[2] - check and initial, comment, or thumbs-up to indicate that the request complies with the how-to documentation and has your approval
- [ ] DBA - The request is functionally acceptable. The term is not a functional duplicate, and is compatible with existing data and code.
- [ ] DBA - Appropriate code or handlers are in place as necessary. (ID_References, Media Relationships, Encumbrances, etc. require particular attention)
If you believe this request should not proceed, explain why here. Suggest any changes that would make the change acceptable, alternate (usually existing) paths to the same goals, etc.
- Can a suitable solution be found here? If not, proceed to (2)
- Can a suitable solution be found by Code Table Committee discussion? If not, proceed to (3)
- Take the discussion to a monthly Arctos Working Group meeting for final resolution.
Once all of the Approval Checklist is appropriately checked and there are no Rejection comments, or in special circumstances by decree of the Arctos Working Group, the change may be made.
[ ] Review everything one last time. Ensure the How-To has been followed. Ensure all checks have been made by appropriate personnel.
[ ] Add or revise the code table term/definition as described above. Ensure the URL of this Issue is included in the definition. URLs should be included as text, separated by spaced pipes. Do not include HTML in definitions.
Close this Issue.
DO NOT modify Arctos Authorities in any way before all points in this Issue have been fully addressed; data loss may result.
Special Exemptions
In very specific cases and by prior approval of The Committee, the approval process may be skipped, and implementation requirements may be slightly altered. Please note here if you are proceeding under one of these use cases.
- Adding an existing term to additional collection types may proceed immediately and without discussion, but doing so may also subject users to future cleanup efforts. If time allows, please review the term and definition as part of this step.
- The Committee may grant special access on particular tables to particular users. This should be exercised with great caution only after several smooth test cases, and generally limited to "taxonomy-like" data such as International Commission on Stratigraphy terminology.