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Nesting recognition is broken
in hw/nxagent/Atoms.c
there's a check in nxagentQueryAtoms
if the nxagent is running nested. This check makes assumptions about atom ids that do not seem to work as indented. E.g.
* Value of nxagentAtoms[8] is "NX_AGENT_SIGNATURE".
* This atom is created internally by the agent server at
* startup to let other agents determine if they are run
* nested. If agent is run nested, in fact, at the time it
* will create the NX_AGENT_SIGNATURE atom on the real X
* server it will find the existing atom with a value less
* than any NX_IDENTITY created but itself.
if (nxagentAtoms[8] > nxagentAtoms[0])
nxagentAtoms[8] = None;
if (nxagentAtoms[8] != None)
* We are running nested in another agent
* server.
nxagentChangeOption(Nested, 1);
* Avoid the image degradation caused by
* multiple lossy encoding.
fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Disabling use of lossy encoding in nested mode.\n");
nxagentPackMethod = nxagentPackLossless;
But during my tests with nested nxagents (both started manually (without nxcomp) and with x2goclient (with nxcomp)) I always could see that this test cannot work as the TEST output will always look like this for a nested nxagent:
nxagentPrintAtomMapInfo: Map at [0x28170e0] size [15] number of entry [256] auto increment [256].
[ 0] local: 69 - remote: 69 - [0x851f8b] NX_IDENTITY
[ 1] local: 70 - remote: 70 - [0x84c60f] WM_PROTOCOLS
[ 2] local: 71 - remote: 71 - [0x84f9e7] WM_DELETE_WINDOW
[ 3] local: 72 - remote: 72 - [0x851f97] WM_NX_READY
[ 4] local: 73 - remote: 73 - [0x851fa3] MCOPGLOBALS
[ 5] local: 74 - remote: 74 - [0x851faf] NX_CUT_BUFFER_SERVER
[ 6] local: 75 - remote: 75 - [0x851fc4] TARGETS
[ 7] local: 76 - remote: 76 - [0x851fcc] TEXT
[ 8] local: 77 - remote: 77 - [0x851ecd] NX_AGENT_SIGNATURE
[ 9] local: 78 - remote: 78 - [0x851fd1] NXDARWIN
[ 10] local: 79 - remote: 79 - [0x83b998] CLIPBOARD
[ 11] local: 80 - remote: 80 - [0x850cce] TIMESTAMP
[ 12] local: 81 - remote: 81 - [0x850bee] UTF8_STRING
[ 13] local: 82 - remote: 82 - [0x851fda] _NET_WM_STATE
[ 14] local: 83 - remote: 83 - [0x851fe8] _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [NX_IDENTITY] with id [69].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [WM_PROTOCOLS] with id [70].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [WM_DELETE_WINDOW] with id [71].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [WM_NX_READY] with id [72].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [MCOPGLOBALS] with id [73].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [NX_CUT_BUFFER_SERVER] with id [74].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [TARGETS] with id [75].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [TEXT] with id [76].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [NX_AGENT_SIGNATURE] with id [0].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [NXDARWIN] with id [0].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [CLIPBOARD] with id [79].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [TIMESTAMP] with id [80].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [UTF8_STRING] with id [81].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [_NET_WM_STATE] with id [82].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN] with id [83].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Ending time is [3707320919] reference latency is [0] Ms.
--------------- Atom map in context [nxagentQueryAtoms: Exiting] ----------------------
The first nxagent (client to :0) has this output:
-------------- Atom map in context [nxagentInitAtomMap: Exiting] ----------------------
nxagentPrintAtomMapInfo: Map at [0xe63710] size [15] number of entry [256] auto increment [256].
[ 0] local: 69 - remote: 618 - [0x851f4b] NX_IDENTITY
[ 1] local: 70 - remote: 332 - [0x84c5cf] WM_PROTOCOLS
[ 2] local: 71 - remote: 330 - [0x84f9a7] WM_DELETE_WINDOW
[ 3] local: 72 - remote: 619 - [0x851f57] WM_NX_READY
[ 4] local: 73 - remote: 620 - [0x851f63] MCOPGLOBALS
[ 5] local: 74 - remote: 621 - [0x851f6f] NX_CUT_BUFFER_SERVER
[ 6] local: 75 - remote: 459 - [0x851f84] TARGETS
[ 7] local: 76 - remote: 486 - [0x851f8c] TEXT
[ 8] local: 77 - remote: 622 - [0x851e8d] NX_AGENT_SIGNATURE
[ 9] local: 78 - remote: 623 - [0x851f91] NXDARWIN
[ 10] local: 79 - remote: 457 - [0x83b958] CLIPBOARD
[ 11] local: 80 - remote: 461 - [0x850c8e] TIMESTAMP
[ 12] local: 81 - remote: 328 - [0x850bae] UTF8_STRING
[ 13] local: 82 - remote: 346 - [0x851f9a] _NET_WM_STATE
[ 14] local: 83 - remote: 349 - [0x851fa8] _NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [NX_IDENTITY] with id [618].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [WM_PROTOCOLS] with id [332].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [WM_DELETE_WINDOW] with id [330].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [WM_NX_READY] with id [619].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [MCOPGLOBALS] with id [620].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [NX_CUT_BUFFER_SERVER] with id [621].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [TARGETS] with id [459].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [TEXT] with id [486].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [NX_AGENT_SIGNATURE] with id [0].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [NXDARWIN] with id [0].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [CLIPBOARD] with id [457].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [TIMESTAMP] with id [461].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [UTF8_STRING] with id [328].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [_NET_WM_STATE] with id [346].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Created intern atom [_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN] with id [349].
nxagentQueryAtoms: Ending time is [3704700082] reference latency is [2] Ms.
--------------- Atom map in context [nxagentQueryAtoms: Exiting] ----------------------
As you can see neither of them prints out the "nested" message.
I think the logic is totally broken. We should probably simply check if the remote side has NX_AGENT_SIGNATURE right at the beginning.
I looks to me as the main problem is that nxagent is creating ALL atoms on the real X server, so there's no way to distinguish an nxagent from a real X server by checking the existing atoms.
I think the whole approach of using atoms (and their order) is wrong as long as nxagent creates the atoms on the remote side itself. This will create the atoms on a real X server or an nxagent, does not matter. So after the first time nx has been run against a real X server it is undistinguishable from an nxagent because it now has all the atoms, too (and forever!).
Either check for the NXAGENT_VERSION property on the root window of the X server or prevent forwarding of the NXAGENT_SIGNATURE and/or NX_IDENTITY atom.