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Changes to Plex web for a better mobile viewing experience. Finally, a better Plex mobile site.

Improved Plex Mobile

Provides changes to Plex web to create a better mobile devices experience.


  • Easily edit your Plex server configuration from your mobile device
    • Library, network, agent settings, and more!
  • Let Plex users watch through a web browser with no restrictions
  • Designed for use with Organizr.

If anything doesn't work or look quite right, report it via Github Issues.

If you need installation help, join our Discord!



  • Plex Media Server (free)
  • Nginx (free)
  • Web Domain (free or paid)


Classic Improved Plex Mobile
Classic New
Classic New
Classic New


  1. Install Plex Media Server on your server.
  2. Install Nginx on your server.
  3. Obtain a web domain (ex. from a web registrar. Can be obtained for free from Freenom.
  4. Edit your web registrar's DNS records to point to your server's public IP address.
    • This is done through your web registrar's management portal (ex. Manage Domain on Freenom)
    • ALTERNATIVE: You can configure your web domain to use Cloudflare. This will hide your IP from the public, provide encryption, DDoS prevention, and various other forms of protection/optimizations for free.
  5. Configure Nginx to reverse proxy Plex to your web domain.
    • A sample configuration file is provided in our wiki.
    • The sample configuration includes step 8
    • The sample configuration uses encryption (SSL). You will either use Cloudflare (on step 4) and download SSL certificates from their website, or configure certbot to generate SSL certificates.
  6. Port forward Nginx by editing your router's configuration.
    • If using the sample Nginx configuration, your forwarding rules will look something like 80 -> 80 and 443 -> 443 (internal -> external).
  7. Edit your Nginx configuration to use Improved Plex Mobile.
    • See below for more details

The three lines you'll need to add to your Nginx server block

proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";
sub_filter '</head>' '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"></meta> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> </head>';
sub_filter_once on;

The previous example with more context

For a detailed configuration file, view the Wiki.

server {
	# Use SSL traffic.
	listen 443 ssl http2;
	include ssl.conf;

	#      <<<<<< Edit this line to contain your domain name >>>>>>

	location / {
		include websockets.conf;
		include reverse_proxy.conf;

		# Add Improved Plex Mobile to all web requests
		proxy_set_header Accept-Encoding "";
		sub_filter '</head>' '<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"></meta> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""> </head>';
		sub_filter_once on;

		# Reverse proxy your Plex server's internal IP address
		#          <<<<<< Edit this line to have your Plex server's LAN address >>>>>>