jQuery.tableExport copied to clipboard
This is a simple jQuery plug-in that allows exporting html tables to: CSV, XLS, TXT, SQL.
English character conversion works perfectly..But it does not support hindi,tamil,malayalam charset ..and also it does not take an inline styles also while converting to excel ..
The download function does not work on Firefox, update code as following should solve the issue. var a = document.createElement('a'); document.body.appendChild(a);
On my site I use jsGrid from http://js-grid.com/demos/ and you beautiful library to export . But It can not export jsGrid table header because html formatting http://prntscr.com/i4turs Please could you...
1、'MM:'+getDate(), 需要改为:'MM:'+(getMonth()+1),这样文件名中的月份显示才会正确。 2、导出txt和sql时,尽管添加了\n但实际并没换行,需要在\n前面添加\r。 3、将txt中的head_delimiter和column_delimiter 默认以;号分割字段,用\t替换比较好。