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Tech Tree Contemplations, Part 1

Open adoa opened this issue 3 years ago • 15 comments

Contemplations on the Tech Tree of Angel's Mods, Part 1

This is only part 1, covering automation and logistic science technologies. This represents only about half of all technologies in the game. Part 2 will follow soon™.

We are doing basic quality control on the tech tree of Angel's mods. The developer @LovelySanta posted general guidelines to follow when doing this. These are my interpretations of the guidelines based on his post and subsequent discussions:

  1. Don't have too many prerequisites.
    Only add prerequisites that are required to build the new items/fluids unlocked. This includes a dependency on all technologies that unlock the first tier of machine capable of crafting the new recipes. However, do not include prerequisites for the materials required to craft the buildings that might be unlocked by this technology. If a technology only unlocks buildings, see guideline 2.
  2. Every tech should unlock something.
    This rule applies to all techs added by Angel's and Bob's. If Angel's mods strip one of Bob's technologies completely empty, it should be replaced by another technology as a reasonable prerequisite. In particular, at least one of the recipes unlocked should be useable when a tech is researched. Ideally they will all be useable but this is not strictly necessary. If a technology unlocks only buildings, make sure that at least one of the buildings is indeed craftable, preferrably the most natural representative of this tech. Prioritize new types of buildings over higher tiers of previously unlocked buildings. Do not include too many prerequisites, see guideline 1.
  3. Avoid surprises.
    Try and find hidden and indirect dependencies that players are less likely to notice. Put these in as prerequisites. If there are multiple techs that unlock the required ingredient, depend on the one with the least amount of science packs. This means to prefer an automation science technology over one requiring automation & logistic science. If they are on the same level, depend on the one with the least amount of prerequisites or just depend a logical common ancestor tech. Conflicts where half the recipes need a certain prerequisite and the other half don't may point to recipes being unlocked by the wrong tech. Or a tech that would be better split in two.
  4. Maintain plausible progression.
    In particular, every tech should require all of the science packs required for its prerequisite techs (when not playing with Angels Industries' Technology Overhaul). This rule does not apply when there are good reasons not to. Example: The vanilla tech physical-projectile-damage-7 depends on space-science-pack. The latter requires production science packs, but physical-projectile-damage-7 does not. This is plausible and acceptable. Similar things happen with Bob's logistic science pack (pink).
    Furthermore, the direct dependency on science pack technologies should be kept minimal. Prioritize depending on logical intermediate technologies that already depend on the science pack of this tier. Thus, we keep the tech tree more vertical than horizontal. When the tech tree gets too wide, it is unwieldy and the players will loose the big picture.

The Issues: Angel's Mods with Industry Overhaul

The following considerations are based on Angel's mods only with Industry Overhaul from Angel's Industries. The latter originated as the combatibility layer to Bob's mods. Therefore, it incorporates a lot of materials (lead, tin, solder, paper, resin, etc.), many of which have limited to no use (without Bob's mods or similar). In these recommendations I explicitly list these loose ends and suggest removing them. This could cause lots of issues for mod compatibility. Feel free to keep all the lose ends and ignore my recommendations to remove them. Feel free to ignore all of my recommendations.

Speaking of recommendations, I recommend opening the in-game tech tree of a new game with all of Angel's mods + Industry Overhaul when going through this list. Thus you can see what I saw and decide upon options.

Automation Science Technologies

  • [x] Tech: deco-shred
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: optics, steel-processing
    Building unlocks: 7 different decorations
    Recipe unlocks: none
    Action: In light of guideline 1, dependency on steel-processing should be removed. However, according to guideline 2 it should be kept because every single unlocked building uses steel.

  • [ ] Tech: nilaus
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: optics
    Building unlocks: 4 different decorations
    Recipe unlocks: none
    Action: According to the guidelines, no action is required since one building deco-nilaus-lamp is craftable. However, I highly recommend adding a dependency on steel-processing in order to make it consistent with the state of deco-shred. After all, these are addon mods with few dependencies. No harm in making it more consistent with vanilla technology logic.

  • [x] Tech: ore-silos
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: steel-processing, ore-crushing
    Building unlocks: 8 different ore silos
    Recipe unlocks: none
    Action: In light of guideline 1, dependency on steel-processing should be removed. However, guideline 2 requires to keep it since every single new building requires steel. I recommend keeping the dependency on ore-crushing as it is a natural precursor. But, strictly speaking, guideline 1 requires to remove the dependency on ore-crushing in order to minimize prerequisites.

  • [x] Tech: angels-warehouses
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: steel-processing
    Building unlocks: angels-warehouse
    Recipe unlocks: none
    Action: In light of guideline 1, dependency on steel-processing should be removed. Guideline 2 requires to keep it. I recommend replacing the dependency on steel with a dependency on ore-silos (if enabled), since these are the logical precursors to warehouses.

  • [x] Tech: water-treatment
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: electronics, steel-processing
    Building unlocks: hydro-plant, clarifyer, ground-water-pump
    Recipe unlocks: water-purification
    Action: None of the buildings requires steel as an ingredient. Dependency on steel-processing should be removed. I recommend keeping the dependency on electronics, but strictly speaking, guideline 1 requires to remove it.

  • [x] Tech: water-washing-1
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: water-treatment
    Building unlocks: seafloor-pump, washing-plant
    Recipe unlocks: 6× different types of muddy/salty water, solid-clay, solid-limestone, solid-sand
    Action: All new recipes are crafted in the new buildings, or require ingredients from new recipes. Therefore, if water-treatment looses its dependence on steel-processing, this technology should depend on steel-processing explicitly. Otherwise, not a single recipe is usable, violating guideline 2.

  • [x] Tech: ore-crushing
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: none
    Building unlocks: ore-crusher, ore-sorting-facility
    Recipe unlocks: 3× crushing (Jivolite, Crotinnium, slag), 6× sorting
    Loose ends:

    1. [ ] tin-ore from angelsore6-crushed-processing is a loose end. See angels-tin-smelting-1.\

    Action: Get rid of loose ends.

  • [x] Tech: basic-chemistry
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: nothing
    Building unlocks: angels-electrolyzer, liquifyer
    Recipe unlocks: dirt-water-separation, carbon-separaiton-2, catalyst-metal-carrier, catalyst-metal-red
    Action: No action required.
    Optional: Add dependency on ore-crushing to get access to iron-ore and copper-ore for catalyst-metal-red. In a way, it is also more natural to have Angel's Petrochem techs depend on Angel's Refining techs.

  • [x] Tech: basic-chemistry-2
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: basic-chemistry-1, electronics, steel-processing
    Building unlocks: angels-chemical-plant
    Recipe unlocks: water-separation, water-synthesis, solid-calcium-chloride, water-gas-shift-1, water-gas-shift-2
    Action: This one is complicated.

    1. [x] I recommend keeping the dependency on electronics, but strictly speaking, guideline 1 requires to remove it.\
    2. [x] Recipe water-separation uses water-purified as an ingredient. But there is no genuine source of water-purified yet. The recipes of this tech that do produce water-purified do so more as a by-product or from ingredients this recipe tries to produce. If no dependency on water-treatment is added, this recipe will only serve to take care of the by-product water-purified but not to produce gas-oxygen as a dedicated process.\
    3. [x] All other recipes are made in a chemplant unlocked by this very tech. The angels-chemical-plant requires steel. As of now, steel-processing is a dependency. In light of guideline 1, this dependency should be removed. However, I advice against it. Removing steel-processing turns the only unlocked recipe (if at all, see point 1) into a slightly different version of a recipe already unlocked by basic-chemistry. In a way, nothing truly new is unlocked if steel is not available. This would violate guideline 2.\
    4. [x] Recipe solid-calcium-chloride requires gas-hydrogen-chloride, but the latter is unlocked only later by chlorine-processing-1. I recommend moving the recipe solid-calcium-chloride to chlorine-processing-1 or chlorine-processing-2. It really does not matter much, as the item is required only much much later (in this mod configuration at least). In order to unlock a more even number of recipes, maybe move it to chlorine-processing-2. Otherwise it will remain effectively locked.
  • [x] Tech: angels-fluid-control
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: basic-chemistry
    Building unlocks: 5 × valves, angels-storage-tank-3
    Recipe unlocks: none
    Action: I recommend keeping the dependency on basic-chemistry because the valves and storage-tanks are useless when there is no chemistry going on. However, guideline 1 requires to remove this dependency.
    Comment: This tech has a misleading icon. It shows the barreling-pump which is only unlocked by fluid-handling. Maybe change the tech icon. Have it show some vales maybe …

  • [x] Tech: angels-sulfur-processing-1
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: basic-chemistry-2
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: solid-sulfur, gas-sulfur-dioxide, liquid-sulfuric-acid
    Action: This one is complicated.

    1. There are many different sources for sulfur in the tech tree. This is not one of them. The main issue is: looking at this tech alone, recipe solid-sulfur appears to be a reasonable source for sulfur to make liquid-sulfuric-acid. But it is not. The recipe solid-sulfur requires gas-hydrogen-sulfide as an ingredient. But that is only available much later, either from angels-oil-processing/gas-processing and sulfur-processing-2 (logistic science techs) or from angels-coal-cracking (blue science). The earliest source (tech-tree wise) of sulfur is the gas-sulfur-dioxide from angels-lead-smelting-1 (automation tech), and only a as by-product. Furthermore, making a key technology from Angel's Petrochem depend on a tech from Angel's Refining is questionable. The source of sulfur most people use early on is from coal-processing-2 via water-treatment-2 (logistic science techs). Another (less reliable) source is from oil-gas-extraction. Whichever way you turn it, angels-sulfur-processing-1 is not genuinely a technology for automation science only.
    2. All recipes unlocked by this tech are made in an angels-chemical-plant or better. That one requires steel. If the dependence on steel-processing is removed from basic-chemistry-2, this tech will effectively unlock nothing without steel-processing, thus violating guideline 2.
      My recommendations:
    • [x] Move the recipe solid-sulfur from angels-sulfur-processing-1 to angels-sulfur-processing-2.
    • [x] Turn this into a logistic science technology.
    • [x] Add a dependency on water-treatment-2, which already depends on ore-floatation and oil-gas-extraction. Therefore, players will have a good source of water-yellow-waste and thus sulfur. This would also incorporate a dependency on steel-processing, making every single recipe available.
      Even if ore-floatation looses its dependency on oil-gas-extraction (see below), ore-floatation is still a good early source for water-yellow-waste.
  • [x] Tech: angels-metallurgy-1
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: steel-processing
    Building unlocks: blast-furnaces, induction-furnace, casting-machine
    Recipe unlocks: none
    Action: No action required. Every single building requires steel, thus steel-processing should remain a prerequisite. Otherwise, this technology unlocks nothing, violating guideline 2.
    Optional: Add a dependency on ore-crushing because is the most logical precursor technology. Furthermore, all but one of the techs that depend on angels-metallurgy-1 already depend on ore-crushing. Consequently, those individual dependencies can be removed, simplifying the tech tree.

  • [x] Tech: angels-solder-smelting-basic
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: nothing
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: angels-solder-mixture, angels-solder-mixture-smelting
    Loose ends: angels-solder has no use in this mod configuration, rendering angels-solder-mixture useless, too.
    Action: Either remove all solder related items, fluids and technologies
    Integrate solder into existing recipes. Example: Make angels-solder an ingredient in advanced-circuit. In this case, advanced-electronics should depend on angels-solder-smelting-basic.

  • [x] Tech: angels-tin-smelting-1
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: angels-metallurgy-1, ore-crushing
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: tin-ore-smelting, molten-tin-smelting, angels-plate-tin, basic-tinned-copper-wire
    Loose ends:

    1. angels-wire-tin has no use.
    2. If angels-solder remains a loose end, angels-plate-tin and liquid-molten-tin have no use either.
    3. If angels-plate-titanium remains a loose end, ingot-tin has no use either.\

    Then, this entire technology would have no use.


    1. If angels-metallurgy-1 gains a dependency on ore-crushing, the latter can be removed as a dependency.\
    2. If this technology remains a loose end, it should be removed entirely.
      Integrate at least angels-wire-tin into existing recipes. Example: angels-wire-tin as ingredient in advanced-circuit or for red-wire/green-wire.
  • [x] Tech: angels-silicon-smelting-1
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: angels-metallurgy-1, ore-crushing, angels-coal-processing, angels-nitrogen-processing-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: silicon-ore-smelting, molten-silcon-smelting, angels-mono-silicon-seed, angels-mono-silicon-1, angels-silicon-wafer
    Loose ends: The only used item is silicon-ingots from silicon-ore-smelting. It is used for advanced versions of iron and steel smelting. All other recipes are loose ends.

    1. If angels-metallurgy-1 gains a dependency on ore-crushing, the latter can be removed as a dependency.
    2. Remove all recipes except silicon-ore-smelting. Also remove dependency on angels-nitrogen-processing-1 in that case. Optional: Incorporate angels-silicon-wafer into existing recipes, rather than stripping this tech clean.
  • [x] Tech: angels-copper-smelting-1
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: angels-metallurgy-1, ore-crushing
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: copper-ore-smelting, molten-copper-smelting, angels-plate-copper
    Action: No action required. If angels-metallurgy-1 gains a dependency on ore-crushing, the latter can be removed as a dependency.

  • [x] Tech: angels-iron-smelting-1
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: angels-metallurgy-1, ore-crushing
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: iron-ore-smelting, molten-iron-smelting-1, angels-plate-iron
    Action: No action required. If angels-metallurgy-1 gains a dependency on ore-crushing, the latter can be removed as a dependency.

  • [x] Tech: angels-lead-smelting-1
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: angels-metallurgy-1, ore-crushing
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: 4 recipes
    Action: No action required. If angels-metallurgy-1 gains a dependency on ore-crushing, the latter can be removed as a dependency.

  • [x] Tech: angels-nickel-smelting-1
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: angels-metallurgy-1, ore-crushing
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: nickel-ore-smelting
    Action: No action required. If angels-metallurgy-1 gains a dependency on ore-crushing, the latter can be removed as a dependency.

  • [x] Tech: gardens
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: steel-processing
    Building unlocks: seed-extractor
    Recipe unlocks: 3 × seed extraction
    Action: The three recipes are crafted in the seed-extractor, which requires steel. Removing the dependency on steel-processing would make all new recipes unusable, violating guideline 2.

  • [ ] Tech: bio-processing-green
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: bio-processing-brown, basic-chemistry
    Building unlocks: algae-farm-2
    Recipe unlocks: 4 recipes to make use of green and brown algae
    Loose ends: solid-lithium has no use in this mod configuration. Action: Remove recipe algae-brown-burning.

  • [x] Tech: bio-paper-1
    Requires: automation science pack
    Depends on: bio-processing-brown
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: solid-wood-pulp, paper-bleaching-1
    Loose ends: solid-paper has no use in this mod configuration. Action: Remove recipe paper-bleaching-1 since paper has no use. Also remove all higher tier paper-bleaching recipes from the subsequent technologies.

Logistic Science Technologies

  • [x] Tech: concrete
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: advanced-material-processing, automation-2
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: 4 different types of concrete
    Action: Add dependency on ore-crushing to get iron-ore for the recipe concrete. Otherwise, no new recipe is available, violating guideline 2.

  • [x] Tech: battery
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-sulfur-processing-1 (automation tech only!)
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: battery
    Action: If angels-sulfur-processing-1 becomes logistic science tech, no action is required. Otherwise, make this tech explicitly depend on a logistic science technology. Reasonable options: oil-gas-extraction, angels-advanced-chemistrty-1, logistic-science-pack.

  • [x] Tech: explosives
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-sulfur-processing-1 (automation tech only!)
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: explosives
    Action: If angels-sulfur-processing-1 becomes logistic science tech, no action is required. Otherwise, make this tech explicitly depend on a logistic science technology. Reasonable options: oil-gas-extraction, angels-advanced-chemistrty-1, logistic-science-pack.

  • [x] Tech: fluid-handling
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: engine, automation-2
    Building unlocks: storage-tank, pump, barreling-pump
    Recipe unlocks: many barreling recipes
    Action: Add a dependency on angels-fluid-control, as that is the most natural precursor technology, unlocking valves and small inline storage tanks.

  • [x] Tech: pressure-tanks
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-fluid-control (automation tech only!)
    Building unlocks: angels-pressure-tank-1
    Recipe unlocks: none
    Action: Replace dependency on angels-fluid-control with dependency on vanilla's fluid-handling since this is the most reasonable precursor technology, unlocking regular storage-tanks of an intermediate size. Alternatively, add explicit dependency on a different logistic science tech. Reasonable options: oil-gas-extraction, logistic-science-pack.

  • [x] Tech: slag-processing-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: ore-crushing (automation tech only!)
    Building unlocks: filtration-unit, crystallizer
    Recipe unlocks: catalysator-brown, 3× slag processing, 2× slag slurry, filter-frame, filter-coal, slag-processing-filtering-1
    Loose ends: tin-ore from slag-processing-2 is a loose end at the moment.
    Action: Currently, not a single recipe is usable.

    1. The two recipes to make slag-slurry require liquid-sulfuric-acid which is unlocked by angels-sulfur-processing-1. I recommend adding at least this one prerequisite.
    2. All other recipes are crafted in one of the two new buildings, or are usless without the new buildings. Hence, this tech should ideally depend on angels-stone-smelting-1 to get angels-clay-bricks.
    3. As per previous recommendations, this tech will indirectly depend on steel-processing. If this does not happen, neither the fiter-frame nor the new buildings will be accessible. Thus rendering only the two slag-slurry recipes available. If that is undesirable, add a dependency on steel-processing.
  • [x] Tech: thermal-water-extraction
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: slag-processing-1, advanced-ore-refining-1
    Building unlocks: thermal-bore
    Recipe unlocks: none
    Action: Remove the explicit dependency on slag-processing-1, since advanced-ore-refining-1 already depends on slag-processing-1. As per recommendations, this tech will depend indirectly on both steel-processing and angels-stone-smelting-1, making the only new building craftable. If that is not implemented, this tech will be useless at this point, and appropriate explicit dependencies should be implemmented.

  • [x] Tech: basic-chemistry-3
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: basic-chemistry-2 (automation tech only!)
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: angels-electrode, angels-electrode-used, dirt-water-separation-2, water-separation-2

    1. If basic-chemistry-2 will not keep dependency on steel-processing, add steel-processing as a prerequisite to get steel for angels-electrode.
    2. Add dependence on angels-coal-processing to get solid-carbon for angels-electrodes.
    3. Add dependence on a logistic science tech. Reasonable options: automation-2, fluid-handling, water-treatment-2, logistic-science-pack.
    4. If basic-chemistry-2 will not gain a dependency on water-treatment and if none of its new prerequisites depend on water-treatment, basic-chemistry-3 should depend on it. Otherwise, there is no source for water-purified.
  • [x] Tech: oil-gas-extraction
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: electronics, basic-chemistry
    Building unlocks: pumpjack, separator
    Recipe unlocks: gas-separation, oil-separation

    1. Add explicit dependency on a logistic science tech. Reasonable options: automation-2, fluid-handling, logistic-science-pack.
    2. If this tech will not depend on steel-processing via its new prerequisites, none of the new recipes will be usable. They need to be crafted in the new buildings, wich both require steel. Thus not adding a dependence on steel-processing would violate guideline 2.
      Optional: Replace dependence on basic-chemistry with dependence on angels-coal-processing-1, since that is a more natural precursor technology.
  • [x] Tech: angels-oil-processing
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: oil-gas-extraction
    Building unlocks: oil-refinery, angels-storage-tank-2
    Recipe unlocks: 2× oil refining, 2× soild fuel
    Action: Add dependency on angels-coal-processing-1 to get soild-coke for the solid fuel recipes, if oil-gas-extraction will not depend on it.
    Move both solid fuel recipes to the tech flammables.
    Optional: Add dependence on fluid-handling, since the storage-tank is the most natural precursor item for the angels-storage-tank-2, at least if you don't add fluid-handling to oil-gas-extraction.

  • [x] Tech: gas-processing
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: oil-gas-extraction
    Building unlocks: gas-refinery-small, angels-storage-tank-1
    Recipe unlocks: gas-refining, gas-fractioning, soild-fuel-methane
    Action: Add dependency on angels-coal-processing-1 to get soild-coke for the solid fuel recipe, if oil-gas-extraction will not depend on it.
    Move solid fuel recipe to the tech flammables.
    Optional: Add dependence on fluid-handling, since the storage-tank is the most natural precursor item for the angels-storage-tank-1, at least if you don't add fluid-handling to oil-gas-extraction.

  • [x] Tech: flammables
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-oil-processing
    Unlocks: nothing
    Action: No action is required. However, this tech being empty (albeit vanilla) is undesirable.
    Optional: Move the two recipes solid-fuel-naphtha & solid-fuel-fuel-oil, as well as the tech solid-fuel-methane from gas-processing to this tech. If you do that, this tech should also depend on angels-coal-processing-1 to make solid-coke available.

  • [x] Tech: ore-floatation
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: ore-crushing, angels-oil-processing
    Building unlocks: ore-floatation-cell
    Recipe unlocks: 6× flotation, 6× chunk sorting
    Loose ends: tin-ore and gold-ore have no use in this mod configuration. Action:

    1. Add dependence on water-treatment to get water-purified for flotation recipes.\
    2. Add dependence on angels-stone-smelting-1 to get angels-clay-brick for ore-floatation-cell. Otherwise none of the new recipes are usable, violating guideline 2.
    3. Remove tin-ore product from angelsore3-chunk-processing and angelsore6-chunk-processing.
    4. Remove gold-ore product from angelsore5-chunk-processing.

    Optional: Rationale for dependency on angels-oil-processing is unclear. Maybe replace dependency on angels-oil-processing with dependency on fluid-handling, which is still a logistic science tech.
    Comment: It should be called "flotation", not "floatation". It was already corrected in the locales, but the internal strings are still wrong.

  • [x] Tech: water-treatment-2
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: water-treatment, ore-floatation
    Building unlocks: hydro-plant-2
    Recipe unlocks: 4× waste water purification
    Action: No action is required. However, the earliest possible tech that makes this one usable is oil-gas-extraction.
    Optional: Although I do not recommend it, you could replace the dependence on ore-floatation with a dependence on oil-gas-extraction. This would better suit guideline 1. On the other hand, however, it would render 3 of the 4 recipes unusable at time of research, conflicting with guideline 2.

  • [x] Tech: angels-advanced-chemistry-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: gas-processing, angels-oil-processing
    Building unlocks: liquifyer-2, angels-electrolyzer-2, advanced-chemical-plant
    Recipe unlocks: catalyst-metal-green, gas-methanol-catalyst, gas-formaldehyde-catalyst
    Action: Add dependency on ore-floatation to get silver-ore and bauxite-ore for catalyst-metal-green, because every new recipe requires this catalyst.

  • [x] Tech: angels-sulfur-processing-2 (no longer exists in this form on dev branch)
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-sulfur-processing-1 (automation tech only!)
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: 5 recipes relating to sulfur and more importantly fluorite ore
    Action: Currently, no recipe is usable at time of research. Add dependency on water-treatment-2 (if not already added to angels-sulfur-processing-1) to get fluorite-ore required for the recipe liquid-hydrofluoric-acid unlocked by this tech, making four recipes usable. Move recipe solid-sulfur from angels-sulfur-processing-1 to this tech, since only this tech provides the first reasonable sources for gas-hydrogen-sulfide. If no additional prerequisite make this a genuine logistic science tech, you should add an explicit dependence on logistic-science-pack or similar.
    Optional: Add dependency on angels-advanced-chemistry-1 to get access to the advanced-chemical-plant which is required for the recipe gas-acid-catalyst unlocked by this tech, making the last recipe usable.

  • [x] Tech: angels-sulfur-processing-3 (dev branch)
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-sulfur-processing-2
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: 3 recipes for processing of sour gas and hydrogen fluoride gas
    Action: Strictly speaking, no action is required. However, at the time of research, only one recipe is usable: liquid-hydrogen-fluoride. But this is the reverse of an earlier recipe and of little to no use without the other recipes from this tech.
    Optional: Add dependence on gas-processing to get access to gas-acid, which makes all recipes in this tech useful at the time of research.

  • [x] Tech: angels-flare-stack
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-fluid-control (automation tech only!)
    Building unlocks: angels-flare-stack
    Recipe unlocks: none
    Action: Add dependency on a logistic science tech. Reasonable options: fluid-handling, oil-gas-extraction, logistic-science-pack. If no additional prerequisite brings in a dependence on steel-processing, this tech has no usable recipes at time of research, violating guideline 2.

  • [x] Tech: geode-processing-2
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: water-washing-2, geode-processing-1, slag-processing-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: 7× crystal slurry, 2× crystal slurry filtering, catalysator-green
    Action: If slag-processing-1 will depend on angels-sulfur-processing-1 as per recommendation, no action is required. Otherwise, this tech should depend on angels-sulfur-processing-1.

  • [x] Tech: geode-crystallization-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: geode-processing-2
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: none
    Action: Remove this tech in this mod configuration (?)

  • [x] Tech: chlorine-processing-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: water-treatment, basic-chemistry-2, gas-processing
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: water-saline-separation, gas-chlor-methane, gas-hydrogen-chloride, liquid-hydrochlorid-acid, liquid-ferric-chloride-solution, liquid-cupric-chloride-solution
    Action: If basic-chemistry-2 will depend on water-treatment as per recommendation, this tech should not depend on water-treatment explicitly again.
    Optional: Add dependency on ore-crushing to get iron-ore and copper-ore for the chloride solutions. I do not recommend it, but you could also replace dependence on gas-processing with more generic dependence on fluid-handling. The current dependence only enables one of 6 recipes and delays availability of this tech.

  • [x] Tech: angels-coal-processing-2
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-advanced-chemistry-1, angels-coal-processing
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: coke-purification-2, carbon-separation-1, solid-coke-sulfur
    Action: Currently none of the recipes are usable at time of research. Either
    Add dependence on chlorine-processing-1 to get sodium-hydroxide for coke-purification-2. Add dependence on angels-nitrogen-processing-1 to get gas-nitrogen for coke-purification-2. OR
    Add dependence on water-treatment to get water-purified for carbon-separation-1 and soldi-coke-sulfur. Note that angels-nitrogen-processing-1 would pull in an indirect dependence on water-treatment already, and thus a redundant dependence would be undesirable.
    Optional: Remove dependence on angels-advanced-chemistry-1 if chlorine-processing-1 becomes new prerequisite. This is still logistic science tech, so the positioning in the tech tree will not dramatically change.

  • [x] Tech: chlorine-processing-2
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: chlorine-processing-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: gas-allylchlorid, gas-epichlorhydrin, liquid-glycerol
    Action: Add dependency that provides gas-propene for gas-allylchlorid which is the start of the processing chain unlocked by this tech. Options: gas-steam-cracking-1, oil-steam-cracking-1, angels-advanced-chemistry-2 (depends on both of the above),
    Do nothing, since the common ancestor (oil-gas-extraction) of the two options is already an indirect dependency of this tech.

  • [x] Tech: angels-nitrogen-processing-2
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-nitrogen-processing-1, water-treatment-2, advanced-chemistry-1
    Building unlocks: angels-air-filter-2
    Recipe unlocks: 7 different recipes for nitrogen processing
    Action: The recipe gas-ammonium-chloride cannot be used as an ingredient for anthing is this mod configuration. Remove from this tech.
    Add chlorine-processing-1 as a dependency to provide gas-hydrogen-chloride for gas-ammonium-chloride. However, in this case it remains unclear why gas-ammonium-chloride should remain craftable in this mod configuration.

  • [x] Tech: lubricant
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-oil-processing
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: mineral-oil-lubricant
    Action: The recipe requires gas-residual. The earliest sources are gas-steam-cracking-1 (4 recipes) and oil-steam-cracking-1 (1 recipe). The latter recipe actually only provides gas-butadiene which is exclusively for rubber and should be removed in this mod configuration. Therefore, this tech should depend on gas-steam-cracking-1. If you don't want to make this tech depend on gas-steam-cracking-1, make it depend on angels-advanced-chemistry-2 (which depends on both steam cracking varieties)
    Ignore the requirement on gas-residual, since the common ancestor (oil-gas-extraction) is already an indirect dependency.

  • [x] Tech: plastics
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-oil-processing
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: solid-plastic
    Action: Add dependency on automation-2 to get access to the assembling-machine-2 to make solid-plastic.
    Comment: This technology deviates from the guidelines in the sense that it unlocks a recipe for which the ingredient (liquid-plastic) will be unlocked by the subsequent techs: ranging from different tiers of petrochem plastics to different tiers of bio-plastics. This is a very elegant way of implementing "OR" in the tech tree. I like this, please don't change this. In fact, I think we should make use of this technique more often, if we can reasonably do so.

  • [x] Tech: plastic-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: plastics, angels-advanced-chemistry-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: solid-plastic, liquid-plastic-1
    Action: Remove recipe solid-plastic from this tech, as it is already unlocked by plastics, which is a direct prerequisite. Add dependency that provides gas-propene for liquid-pastic-1. Options: gas-steam-cracking-1, oil-steam-cracking-1, angels-advanced-chemistry-2 (depends on both of the above),
    Do nothing, since the common ancestor (oil-gas-extraction) of the two options is already an indirect dependency of this tech, and it already depends on a subsequent tech (angels-advanced-chemistry-1).

  • [x] Tech: resins
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-oil-processing
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: solid-resin
    Loose ends: solid-resin has no use.
    Action: Add dependence on automation-2 to get access to the assembling-machine-2 to make solid-resin.
    However, in this mod configuration, resin has no use. Neither liquid nor solid. Remove this tech and all subsequent techs that produce different varieties of resin. For some reason, angels-stone-smelting-2 depends on resins. That dependency should be removed in this mod configuration. Since this includes all temperate arboretum technologies, it remains unclear if the map generator should spawn temperate trees.

  • [x] Tech: resin-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-nitrogen-processing-2, angels-advanced-chemistry-1, resins
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: solid-resin, liquid-resin-1
    Loose ends: solid-resin has no use, therefore liquid-resin has no use either.
    Action: The recipe solid-resin should be removed from this tech since it is already unlocked by resins. Furthermore, the dependence on angels-advanced-chemistry-1 is reduntant since angels-nitrogen-processing-2 already depends on that. Resin has no use in this mod configuration. This tech should be removed.

  • [x] Tech: rubbers
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-oil-processing
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: solid-rubber
    Loose ends: solid-rubber has no use.
    Action: Add dependence on automation-2 to get access to the assembling-machine-2 to make solid-rubber.
    However, in this mod configuration, rubber has no use. Neither liquid nor solid. Remove this tech and all subsequent techs that produce different varieties of rubber. Since this includes all desert arboretum technologies, it remains unclear if the map generator should spawn desert trees.

  • [x] Tech: rubber
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: gas-steam-cracking-1, angels-advanced-chemistry-2, rubbers
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: solid-rubber, liquid-rubber-1
    Loose ends: solid-rubber has no use, therefore liquid-rubber has no use either.
    Action: The recipe solid-rubber should be removed from this tech since it is already unlocked by rubbers. Furthermore, the rationale for dependence on gas-steam-cracking-1 is unclear. Maybe remove this dependency(?) Rubber has no use in this mod configuration. This tech should be removed.

  • [x] Tech: gas-steam-cracking-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: gas-processing
    Building unlocks: steam-cracker
    Recipe unlocks: 4× steam cracking
    Action: If this tech has not gained an indirect dependence on steel-processing, none of the new recipes will be usable at the time of research.

  • [x] Tech: oil-steam-cracking-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-oil-processing
    Building unlocks: steam-cracker
    Recipe unlocks: catalyst-steam-cracking-butane, catalyst-steam-cracking-naphtha
    Action: Remove recipe catalyst-steam-cracking-butane since its primary product gas-butadiene is only used for rubber.
    Add dependency on angels-advanced-chemistry-1 to provide catalyst-metal-green for said recipe. However, this would keep a useless fluid in the tech tree.
    In any case, if this tech has not gained an indirect dependence on steel-processing, none of the new recipes will be usable at the time of research.

  • [x] Tech: angels-advanced-chemistry-2
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: oil-steam-cracking-1, gas-steam-cracking-1, angels-advanced-chemistry-1
    Building unlocks: 6 higher tier chemical buildings
    Recipe unlocks: liquid-styrene-catalyst, gas-benzene-catalyst, liquid-ethylbenzene-catalyst
    Action: Remove recipe liquid-styrene-catalyst since its only use is rubber. Remove recipe liquid-ethylbenzene-catalyst since it only leads to styrene which only leads to rubber.
    Optional: Change recipes for angels-chemical-plant-2 and oil-refinery-2 to use advanced-circuit instead of electronic-circuit. When comparing the different buildings that are unlocked by this tech, their material requirements are different and it remains unclear why. Maybe consider oil-refinery-2 to require concrete-brick since oil-refinery-1 requires stone-brick. Why do none of the angels-chemical-plant require any form of brick(?)
    Comment: Maybe review internal progression logic for different types of buildings, and re-distribute across technologies. Maybe do so in a different issue. This one is full of stuff already …

  • [x] Tech: angels-electric-boiler
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: gas-steam-cracking-1, oil-steam-cracking-1
    Building unlocks: angels-electric-boiler
    Recipe unlocks: angels-steam-water
    Action: If this tech has not gained an indirect dependence on steel-processing, none of the new recipes will be usable at the time of research.

  • [x] Tech: ore-powderizer
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: lubricant, ore-advanced-crushing
    Building unlocks: ore-powderizer
    Recipe unlocks: 2× milling drum, 2× ferrous, 2× cupric)
    Action: If you do not include automation-2 as a (direct or indirect) prerequisite for oil-gas-extraction, you have to add the dependency on automation-2 here in order to unlock the assembling-machine-2 which is required for recipe milling-drum. This furthermore incorporates the requirement for steel-processing which is required for milling-drum, too.

  • [x] Tech: angels-metallurgy-2
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-metallurgy-1 (automation tech only!)
    Building unlocks: higher tier furnaces and casting machines
    Recipe unlocks: none
    Action: Add dependency on a logistic science tech. Reasonable options: ore-floatation, advanced-material-processing, logistic-science-pack. If no additional prerequisite brings in a dependence on angels-stone-smelting-1, none of the new buildings will be usable at time of research, violating guideline 2. In any case, delaying this tech would also delay the availability of angels-steel-smelting-1 – which is most certainly undesirable.

  • [x] Tech: angels-gold-smelting-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-metallurgy-2, chlorine-processing-1, ore-floatation
    Building unlocks: none
    Unlocks: 4 recipes for gold smelting
    Loose ends: No form of gold has a use in this mod configuration. gold-ore is not required for any metal catalysts. angels-wire-gold is not required for any circuits. gold-plate is not required for any circuits nor modules.
    Action: If angels-metallurgy-2 gains dependence on ore-floatation, this tech should not depend on it again. All appearances of gold should be removed from this modpack combination, starting from ore-floatation via crystallization from slag-processing-2 all the way to angels-gold-smelting-3.
    Integrate gold into some recipes that exist in this mod combinaiton. Examples: angels-wire-gold for processing-units.

  • [x] Tech: angels-cobalt-smelting-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-metallurgy-2, angels-coal-procssing-2, ore-floatation
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: cobalt-ore-smelting
    Action: If angels-metallurgy-2 gains dependence on ore-floatation, this tech should not depend on it again.

  • [x] Tech: angels-manganese-smelting-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-metallurgy-2, angels-coal-procssing-2, ore-floatation
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: manganese-ore-smelting
    Action: If angels-metallurgy-2 gains dependence on ore-floatation, this tech should not depend on it again.

  • [x] Tech: angels-aluminium-smelting-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: powder-metallurgy-1, angels-coal-procssing-2, ore-floatation
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: 5 aluminium smelting recipes leading to angels-plate-aluminium
    Loose ends: angels-plate-aluminium and hence liquid-molten-aluminium have no use in this mod config. ingot-aluminium has only limited use via angels-silicon-smelting-3 to make ingot-silicon for either advanced iron or steel smelting.
    Action: If angels-metallurgy-2 gains dependence on ore-floatation, this tech should not depend on it again. Remove recipes molten-aluminium-smelting-1 and angels-plate-aluminium since they are loose ends. Not sure if the semi-exotic use of ingot-aluminium for ingot-silicon for advanced iron and steel smelting should remain a thing. Feels like that's a convoluted way of doing a whole lot of not much.

  • [x] Tech: angels-silver-smelting-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-metallurgy-2, ore-floatation
    Building unlocks: none
    Unlocks: 3 recipes for silver smelting
    Loose ends: If angels-solder remains a loose end, the only use for silver is as an ore for metal catalysts. Action: If angels-metallurgy-2 gains dependence on ore-floatation, this tech should not depend on it again. All appearances of processed silver should be removed from this mod configuration. That includes this tech and all its recipes.
    Integrate silver into some recipes that exist in this mod combinaiton.

  • [x] Tech: angels-steel-smelting-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-iron-smelting-1, angels-metallurgy-2, basic-chemistry
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: 3 steel smelting recipes
    Action: If angels-metallurgy-2 gains additional prerequisites that delay this tech to an undesirable degree, then replace the dependence on angels-metallurgy-2 with a dependence on advanced-material-processing or similar logistic science tech.

  • [x] Tech: angels-zinc-smelting-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-metallurgy-2, angels-lead-smelting-1, ore-floatation
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: 3 zinc smelting recipes
    Action: If angels-metallurgy-2 gains dependence on ore-floatation, this tech should not depend on it again.

  • [x] Tech: angels-nickel-smelting-2
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-metallurgy-2, angels-sulfur-processing-1, ore-processing-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: 4 higher tier nickel smelting recipes
    Loose ends: powder-nickel only leads to angels-plate-tungsten which is useless in this mod configuration. Action: Remove the recipe powder-nickel from this tech.

  • [x] Tech: angels-cooling
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-metallurgy-2, water-treatment
    Building unlocks: cooling-tower
    Recipe unlocks: coolant-cool-steam
    Action: If angels-metallurgy-2 has not gained a dependence on angels-stone-smelting-1, neither the new building nor the new recipe will be usable at time of research, violating guideline 2.

  • [x] Tech: angels-stone-smelting-2
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-stone-smelting-1, powder-metallurgy-1, resins
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: cement-mixture-1, concrete-mixture-1, angels-concrete, angels-concrete-brick
    Action: If this tech has not gained an indirect depenence on ore-crushing (e.g. via angels-metallurgy-1), this tech should depend on it. Otherwise, there is no quartz for cement-mixture-1 to kickstart this entire production chain. Remove dependence on resins. In this mod configuration, it is unclear why the depnendence exists in the first place.

  • [x] Tech: strand-casting-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-cooling, angels-metallurgy-2
    Building unlocks: strand-casting-machine
    Recipe unlocks: none
    Action: This tech depends on angels-metallurgy-2 explicitly and again indirectly via angels-cooling. Remove explicit dependence. If this tech has not gained an indirect dependence on angels-stone-smelting-1, the new building will not be usable. Thus violating guideline 2. However, delaying this tech also delays the following technologies. These providing higher yield recipes for various ingots that still remain usable even without this building. I don't know what the best course of action is in this case. Maybe when in doubt, follow the guidelines (?)

  • [x] Tech: angels-glass-smelting-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: ore-crushing, powder-metallurgy-1, strand-casting-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: glass-mixture-1, molten-glass-smelting, angels-coil-glass-fiber
    Loose ends: angels-coil-glass-fiber has no use in this mod configuration, rendering all recipes in this technology loose ends. Action: In this mod configuration, remove this tech and all its recipes, as well as following techs and recipes.

  • [x] Tech: angels-solder-smelting-2
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-solder-smelting-1, angels-zinc-smelting-1, strand-casting-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: 3 higher tier solder smelting recipes
    Loose ends: angels-solder has no use in this mod configuration.
    Action: Remove this tech and all its recipes, as well as all following techs and recipes.

  • [x] Tech: angels-tin-smelting-2
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-tin-smelting-1, angels-copper-smelting-2, angels-coal-processing-2, strand-casting-1, ore-processing-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: 6 higher tier tin smelting recipes
    Loose ends: angels-plate-tin and anegls-wire-tin have no use in this mod configuration.
    Action: This tech depends on strand-casting-1 explicitly and indirectly via angels-copper-smelting-2. Remove explicit dependence. This tech depends on ore-processing-1 explicitly and indirectly via angels-copper-smelting-2. Remove explicit dependence. Remove this technology, all its recipes and all following technologies since it is only a loose end.

  • [x] Tech: bio-wood-processing-2
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: bio-wood-processing, angels-coal-processing (automation science only!)
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: wood-charcoal, carbon-from-charcoal, gas-carbon-dioxide-from-wood
    Action: Add dependence on logistic science technology. Reasonable options: advanced-material-processing, fluid-handling, automation-2, logistic-science-pack
    Replace dependence on angels-coal-processing with dependence on angels-coal-processing-2. However, this would delay renewable carbon quite considerable.

  • [x] Tech: bio-wood-processing-3
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: bio-wood-processing-2
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: wood-bricks
    Action: No action required.
    Optional: Add dependence on angels-coal-processing-2 or automation-2 if its prerequisite does not depend on it yet. Those are reasonable precursor techs.

  • [x] Tech: bio-paper-2
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: bio-paper-1, angels-nitrogen-processing-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: paper-bleaching-2, liquid-pulping-liquor, sulfite-pulping, brown-liquor-recovery
    Loose ends: solid-paper has no use.
    Action: Remove recipe paper-bleaching-2. Add dependence on angels-sulfur-processing-1 to get gas-sulfur-dioxide for liquid-pulping-liquor.
    Optional: Add dependence on chlorine-processing-1 to get solid-sodium-hydroxide for brown-liquor-recovery. Otherwise, this production chain does not run very efficiently.

  • [ ] Tech: bio-hatchery
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs + token-bio (!?)
    Depends on: gardens (automation tech only!)
    Building unlocks: bio-hatchery
    Recipe unlocks: 5× puffer egg hatching
    Action: Add dependence on a logistic science tech. Reasonable options: automation-2, gas-processing, oil-gas-extraction, bio-refugium-fish-1, bio-farming-2, logistic-science-pack. Currently, this tech is the only in its vicinity in the tech tree that requires token-bio. This violates guideline 4. Remove requirement on token-bio from this tech
    Add token-bio to all subsequent technologies. Although this would be a drastic change and most likely not desirable.

  • [x] Tech: bio-pressing
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-oil-processing, bio-farm-1, slag-processing-1
    Building unlocks: bio-press
    Recipe unlocks: 3× raw vetetable oil, 3× veg oil filtering, liquid-vegetable-oil-refining
    Action: No action required. Optional: Maybe not the best idea but you could move liquid-raw-vegetable-oil-filtering-2 from this tech to slag-processing-2, since the recipe is not usable at this point. Since slag-processing-2 is chemical science tech, likelihood is high that player will research this tech earlier anyways.

  • [ ] Tech: bio-fermentation
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: bio-farm-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: 2× fermentation base, 2× fermentation, ethanol-to-ethylene-synthesis
    Action: Add dependence on basic-chemistry-2 in order to gain access to liquifyer and angels-chemical-plant to make all the recipes of this tech. Otherwise, no recipe is usable at time of research. Add dependence on a logistic science tech. Reasonable options: fluid-handling, angels-advanced-chemistry-1, angels-sulfur-processing-1, automation-2, logistic-science-pack. If you add angels-sulfur-processing-1, make sure that it is indeed logistic science tech (as per recommendadion). That option would provide liquid-sulfuric-acid to make ethanol-to-ethylene-synthesis usable at the time of research.

  • [x] Tech: bio-plastic-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: plastics, bio-fermentation
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: 5× recipes that form a production chain for liquid-plastic
    Action: Add dependence on bio-nutrient-paste got get gas-acetone for the last step of the production chain. If bio-fermentation will not depend on angels-sulfur-processing-1, this tech should depend on it in order to unlock the step liquid-acetate-mixture in this production chain. If bio-nutrient-paste will not depend on gas-processing, this tech should depend on it in order to gain access to the gas-refinery-small, thus ensuring that gas-acetone is accessible via biomass refining.

  • [x] Tech: bio-nutrient-paste
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: bio-farm-1
    Building unlocks: nutrient-extractor
    Recipe unlocks: 6× nutrient pulp, 3× biomass refining
    Action: Add dependence on a logistic science tech. Reasonable options: gas-refining, fluid-handling, automation-2, logistic-science-pack. The option gas-refining has the advantage that it automatically unlocks the biomass refining recipes, since those are made in a gas-refinery-small.

  • [x] Tech: bio-processing-paste
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: chlorine-processing-1, bio-processing-brown, bio-nutrient-paste
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: paste-cellulose
    Action: No action required. Optional: Although it is probably not a good idea, you could remove dependence on bio-nutrient-paste.

  • [x] Tech: bio-arboretum-temperate-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs + token-bio
    Depends on: resins, bio-fermentation, bio-arboretum-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: production chain to make liquid-resin
    Loose ends: solid-resin has no use. Action: Add dependence on bio-farm-alien since that is the key technology to replicate token-bio. Remove this technology, all its recipes, and all following technologies.

  • [x] Tech: bio-arboretum-temperate-2
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs + token-bio
    Depends on: bio-arboretum-temperate-1, bio-farm-alien
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: higher tier production chain to make bio-resin
    Loose ends: solid-resin has no use. Action: Remove the dependence on bio-farm-alien since already the prerequisite should depend on it. Remove this technology, all its recipes, and all following technologies.

  • [x] Tech: bio-arboretum-desert-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs + token-bio
    Depends on: rubbers, bio-nutrient-paste, bio-arboretum-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: production chain to make liquid-rubber
    Loose ends: solid-rubber has no use. Action: Add dependence on bio-farm-alien since that is the key technology to replicate token-bio. Remove this technology, all its recipes, and all following technologies.

  • [x] Tech: bio-arboretum-desert-2
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs + token-bio
    Depends on: bio-arboretum-desert-1, bio-farm-alien
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: higher tier production chain to make bio-rubber
    Loose ends: solid-rubber has no use. Action: Remove the dependence on bio-farm-alien since already the prerequisite should depend on it. Remove this technology, all its recipes, and all following technologies.

  • [x] Tech: bio-arboretum-swamp-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs + token-bio
    Depends on: plastics, bio-nutrient-paste, bio-arboretum-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: production chain to make liquid-plastic
    Action: Add dependence on bio-farm-alien since that is the key technology to replicate token-bio. Remove this technology, all its recipes, and all following technologies.

  • [x] Tech: bio-arboretum-swamp-2
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs + token-bio
    Depends on: bio-arboretum-swamp-1, bio-farm-alien
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: higher tier production chain to make bio-plastic
    Action: Remove the dependence on bio-farm-alien since already the prerequisite should depend on it.

  • [x] Tech: bio-refugium-fish-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: water-treatment-3, angels-advanced-chemistry-1, bio-nutrient-paste
    Building unlocks: bio-refugium-fish
    Recipe unlocks: liquid-fish-atmosphere, 4× fish petting
    Action: No action required.
    Optional: Add dependene on bio-processing-green as it is a natural precursor technology. Change recipe for liquid-fish-atmosphere to be made in a chemical plant and remove dependence on angels-advanced-chemistry-1.

  • [x] Tech: bio-refugium-fish-2
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: bio-refugium-butchery-1, bio-refugium-fish-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: 4× fish breeding
    Action: This tech depends on bio-refugium-fish-1 explicitly and indirectly via bio-refugium-butchery-1. Remove explicit dependence. If bio-refugium-fish-1 will not depend on bio-processing-green, this technology should depend on it. Thus all recipes are immediately unlocked at the time of research.

  • [x] Tech: bio-pressing-fish
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: bio-refugium-fish-1, bio-pressing, bio-fermentation
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: 4× raw fish oil, fish-pulp-nutrients, 2× fish oil filtration, 2× fish oil refining
    Action: The first useful products from this processing chain is liquid-mineral-oil from the fish oil filtration recipes. These recipes require thermal-water. Hence this tech should depend on thermal-water-extraction. Otherwise, there is just dangling intermediate products available at time of research.
    Optional: Maybe not the best idea but you could move liquid-raw-fish-oil-filtering-2 from this tech to slag-processing-2, since the recipe is not usable at this point. Since slag-processing-2 is chemical science tech, likelihood is high that player will research this tech earlier anyways.

  • [x] Tech: bio-processing-crystal-splinter-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: bio-refugium-fish-1, geode-processing-2
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: 6 recipes that form a production line for polished crystal splinter in three colors.
    Action: No action required if one of the precursor technologies has aquired a dependency on automation-2. Otherwise, the final step in the production chain is not usable.

  • [x] Tech: modules
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: advanced-electronics
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: none
    Action: No action required.
    Optional: Add dependence on bio-processing-crystal-splinter-1. Then speed-module, productivity-module and effectivity-module can drop their individual dependence on bio-processing-crystal-splinter-1.

  • [x] Tech: speed-module
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: modules, bio-processing-crystal-splinter-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: speed-module
    Action: If modules will depend on bio-processing-crystal-splinter-1, this tech need not depend on that anymore.

  • [x] Tech: productivity-module
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: modules, bio-processing-crystal-splinter-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: productivity-module
    Action: If modules will depend on bio-processing-crystal-splinter-1, this tech need not depend on that anymore.

  • [x] Tech: effectivity-module
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: modules, bio-processing-crystal-splinter-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: effectivity-module
    Action: If modules will depend on bio-processing-crystal-splinter-1, this tech need not depend on that anymore.

  • [x] Tech: angels-bio-yield-module
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs + token-bio
    Depends on: productivity-module, effectivity-module, gardens-2
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: angels-bio-yield-module
    Action: Replace dependence on gardens-2 with dependence on bio-farm-alien since that is the key technology to replicate token-bio.

  • [ ] Tech: angels-vequipment-1
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: logistic-science-pack
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: angels-burner-generator-vequip
    Action: The vehicle burner generator can only be used in vehiles. All vehicles require engine-units as ingredients. It is only logical to make this tech depend on engine, even though engine is not an ingredient in this recipe. Then, the explicit dependence on logistic-science-pack can be removed.

  • [ ] Tech: angels-crawler
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: angels-vequipment-1
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: angels-crawler
    Action: If angels-vequipment-1 will depend on engine, no action is required. Otherwise, neither steel nor engine-unit is available. That case would render this tech useless at point or research.
    Optional Add dependence on automobilism since that is the most natural precursor technology.

  • [ ] Tech: angels-ghosting-construction-robots
    Requires: automation & logistic science packs
    Depends on: robotics (chemical science tech!)
    Building unlocks: none
    Recipe unlocks: none
    Action: Following guideline 4, this tech should become chemical science tech. However, its only use is to enable ghosts upon destruction of entities. An alternative tech exists that does the same thing, angels-ghosting-angels-construction-robots, which is a genuine logistic science technology (depends only on engine). In fact, when one of the two techs is researched, the other will be force-researched. Furthermore, according to the previous recommendations, one or more of the prerequisites of angels-ghosting-construction-robots will already depend on engine, thus making the sister technology available much earlier than this one and cheaper in price. This immediately raises the question why angels-ghosting-construction-robots exists. I recommend removing it.

adoa avatar Nov 02 '20 04:11 adoa

A savefile to sync to for the mod configuration: Angelsmods

adoa avatar Nov 02 '20 04:11 adoa

To make one thing clear: My personal opinion is that guideline 2 (requiring that every single tech has to unlock at least one usable recipe or bonus effect) is more important than to remove all dependencies down to one or none as guideline 1 would require.

Hence, I believe that most dependencies on steel should be kept. The only exception is water-treatment that should only depend on electronics.

On discord, the issue arose that when we remove all dependencies, too many technologies could be available at the start of the game. This can be easily avoided by making them depend on automation. It is not clear why an engineer should be able to build an automatically running liquifyer or ore crusher/ore sorting facility while not being able to construct an automatically running assembling machine. I think that ore-crushing, basic-chemistry, water-treatment and angels-solder-smelting-basic should all (directly or indirectly) depend on automation.

On a personal note, I believe making more technologies depend on logical precursor technologies (such as automation or logistics) is a reasonable way of giving the tech tree more logical structure. But this issue was mostly about missing or incorrect dependencies as objectively defined by the guidelines – which is why I left out most of my personal opinion from the above contemplations.

adoa avatar Nov 05 '20 05:11 adoa

Some comments

  • Tech: ore-crushing Thanks for bringing it to my attention that some ores are unused, it's not only the tin, also the gold and a few others. I might plan to work them into some recipes, as it is too much to just disable those ores, This should be looked at outside of this PR, marking that one as 'done', even that no action is taken for now.
  • Tech: basic-chemistry You can already manually crush and smelt to iron and copper, it doesn't make sence to depend on ore-crushing, as then things like automation should also depend on ore crushing. Instead, I let both basic-chemistry and ore-crushing depend on automation.
  • Tech: angels-sulfur-processing-1
    • I cannot turn it into a green science technology because of component mode, so i'll mark it as checked as I looked at it, even that I didn't do it...
    • Instead, I moved the stuff to sulfur-2 and added the prerequisites there...
    • Now sulfur-2 became too 'large', so I've split it in sulfur 2 and sulfur 3 (old sulfur 3 became sulfur 4), equivalently, sulfur 1 is now small...
  • Tech: angels-metallurgy-1 I didn't want to add a prerequisite on ore-crushing, because depending on the configuration, the different ore sorting things unlock different ores, so it's not as easy to do so, instead, the metallurgy techs indicate the science level, while the individual ore types depend on their respective sorting technology. I did thoroughly look at the smelting tree while reworking it already. I'll mark this one as done
  • Tech: angels-solder-smelting-basic and angels-tin-smelting-1 and angels-silicon-smelting-1 As mentioned with the tin, this should be integrated, but is outside this PR. Marking it as done
  • Tech: bio-paper-1 Same as before, require integration

LovelySanta avatar Nov 05 '20 17:11 LovelySanta

I am happy that you looked at the concerns – even if you did not integrate all my suggestions. After all, some of my suggestions were contradicting, so no surprise that you cannot implement them all.

Once you finish the automation and logistic science techs listed here, I will take the dev branch and continue with the other science packs and post part 2 as a separate issue.

adoa avatar Nov 05 '20 17:11 adoa

The implemented changes to the automation science technologies are fine. I like your solution for sulfur-processing-1 much more than my own suggestion ^_^

adoa avatar Nov 05 '20 19:11 adoa

@LovelySanta Also, I think you misunderstood my comment on basic-chemistry. Your reply was

  • Tech: basic-chemistry You can already manually crush and smelt to iron and copper, it doesn't make sence to depend on ore-crushing, as then things like automation should also depend on ore crushing. Instead, I let both basic-chemistry and ore-crushing depend on automation.

But crushing by hand and smelting only gives iron-plate and copper-plate. The tech basic-chemistry unlocks a recipe for catalyst-metal-red which requires iron-ore and copper-ore. The earliest you can get either ore is via sorting, unlocked by ore-crushing. But as I said in the OP, this was just an option. It's totally fine if you don't make basic-chemistry depend on ore-crushing. After all, there is some new recipes that are usable without it.

Making automation depend on ore-crushing would really not make any sense. None of the recipes from automation require iron-ore or copper-ore. They do require plates, and those are available at the start.

adoa avatar Nov 11 '20 20:11 adoa

Some more comments on initial post

  • Tech: battery I'll let it depend on angels-sulfur-processing-2 since that is now green science, and it unlocks the recipes to obtain sulfur dioxide other than from smelting, so this tech unlocks the loop.
  • Tech: explosives Explosives require pure sulfur, so it should technically depend on water treatment 2, however I'll let it depend on angels-sulfur-processing-2, which depend on water treatment 2.

LovelySanta avatar Nov 13 '20 01:11 LovelySanta

Some more comments on initial post

  • Tech: battery I'll let it depend on angels-sulfur-processing-2 since that is now green science, and it unlocks the recipes to obtain sulfur dioxide other than from smelting, so this tech unlocks the loop.
  • Tech: explosives Explosives require pure sulfur, so it should technically depend on water treatment 2, however I'll let it depend on angels-sulfur-processing-2, which depend on water treatment 2.

LovelySanta avatar Nov 13 '20 01:11 LovelySanta

I had another thought about angels-ghosting-angels-construction-robots. How about the following?

  • [ ] optional suggestion Remove angels-ghosting-construction-robots. Make angels-ghosting-angels-construction-robots depend on engine, and make angels-construction-robots depend on angels-ghosting-angels-construction-robots. Furthermore, make also the vanilla construction robots depend on angels-ghosting-angels-construction-robots. Thus, you force everyone to research the ghosting before choosing for either construction robots, implementing some form of OR. Similar to the way liquid plastic→plastic bar is required for all the techs that unlock liquid plastic.

adoa avatar Nov 16 '20 22:11 adoa

I double checked the automation techs. Is it normal that Exploration makes the gun-turret require an SMG, but the gun-turret tech does not depend on military?

adoa avatar Dec 18 '20 04:12 adoa

i'll add the dependency

LovelySanta avatar Dec 18 '20 10:12 LovelySanta

Any plans on bio-fermentation and bio-refugium-hatchery techs? They still don't include logistic science prerequisites… Also the bio-tokens for the hatchery are somewhat out of place, as I wrote in the OP…

adoa avatar Dec 18 '20 20:12 adoa

Hey, I noticed that puffer refugium and butchery 2 only require red and green science whereas they should require agricultural science since they depend on hatcheries.

Also, repair packs 4 and 5 only require red/green but depend on things that require blue/purple science.

clarfonthey avatar Dec 20 '20 18:12 clarfonthey

Hey, I noticed that puffer refugium and butchery 2 only require red and green science whereas they should require agricultural science since they depend on hatcheries.

The fact that hatcheries require plant-life samples (internal name token-bio) but their successive techs don't, was already reported in the OP of this very issue.

Also, repair packs 4 and 5 only require red/green but depend on things that require blue/purple science.

Those are from Bob's mods, and this was also already reported to bobingabout a couple weeks ago but bobingabout has not acted upon it yet

adoa avatar Dec 20 '20 18:12 adoa

Sorry, I had only slightly skimmed the issue so should have paid more close attention. The main reason why I brought these up separately was because I thought this topic was about completely rearranging the tree, whereas these are relatively simple changes, I thought, that would make things more consistent at the moment.

clarfonthey avatar Dec 22 '20 23:12 clarfonthey