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Use Fluent API to configure POCO excel behaviors, and then provides IEnumerable<T> has save to and load from excel functionalities.

Using Fluent API to configure POCO excel behaviors, and then provides IEnumerable<T> has save to and load from excel functionalities.


  • [x] Decouple the configuration from the POCO model by using fluent api.
  • [x] Support none configuration POCO, so that if English is your mother language, none any more configurations;

The first features will be very useful for English not their mother language developers.


  1. This repo fork from my NPOI.Extension, and remove all the attributes based features (but can be extended, see the following demo), and will only support Fluent API.
  2. All the issues found in NPOI.Extension will be and only be fixed by FluentExcel, so, please update your codes use FluentExcel.


FluentExcel demo

Get Started

The following demo codes come from sample, download and run it for more information.

Install FluentExcel package

    PM> Install-Package FluentExcel

Using FluentExcel in code

    using FluentExcel;

Saving IEnumerable<T> to excel.

var excelFile = @"/Users/rigofunc/Documents/sample.xlsx";

// save to excel file

Loading IEnumerable<T> from excel.

// load from excel
var loadFromExcel = Excel.Load<Report>(excelFile);       

Change title cell style

Default title cell style can be changed by using Excel.Setting.TitleCellStyleApplier:

// Center, Green background, White font color
static void MyTitleCellApplier(ICellStyle cellStyle, IFont font)
    cellStyle.Alignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
    cellStyle.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
    cellStyle.FillPattern = FillPattern.SolidForeground;
    cellStyle.FillForegroundColor = HSSFColor.Green.Index;

    font.Color = HSSFColor.White.Index;


Excel.Setting.TitleCellStyleApplier = MyTitleCellApplier;

Use Fluent Api to configure POCO's excel behaviors

We can use fluent api to configure the model excel behaviors.

/// <summary>
/// Use fluent configuration api. (doesn't poison your POCO)
/// </summary>
static void FluentConfiguration()
    var fc = Excel.Setting.For<Report>();

    fc.HasStatistics("合计", "SUM", 6, 7)
      .HasFilter(firstColumn: 0, lastColumn: 2, firstRow: 0)
      .HasFreeze(columnSplit: 2, rowSplit: 1, leftMostColumn: 2, topMostRow: 1);

    fc.Property(r => r.City)

    // or
    //fc.Property(r => r.City).HasExcelCell(0,"城市", allowMerge: true);

    fc.Property(r => r.Building)

    // configures the ignore when exporting or importing.
    fc.Property(r => r.Area)
      .IsIgnored(exportingIsIgnored: false, importingIsIgnored: true);

    // or
    //fc.Property(r => r.Area).IsIgnored(8, "Area", formatter: null, exportingIsIgnored: false, importingIsIgnored: true);

    fc.Property(r => r.HandleTime)

    // or 
    //fc.Property(r => r.HandleTime).HasExcelCell(2, "成交时间", formatter: "yyyy-MM-dd", allowMerge: false);
    // or
    //fc.Property(r => r.HandleTime).HasExcelCell(2, "成交时间", "yyyy-MM-dd");

    fc.Property(r => r.Broker)

    fc.Property(r => r.Customer)

    fc.Property(r => r.Room)

    fc.Property(r => r.Brokerage)

    fc.Property(r => r.Profits)
class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        // global call this

        // demo the extension point
        //var fc = Excel.Setting.For<Report>().FromAnnotations();

        var len = 20;
        var reports = new Report[len];
        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
            reports[i] = new Report
                City = "ningbo",
                Building = "世茂首府",
                HandleTime = DateTime.Now,
                Broker = "rigofunc 18957139**7",
                Customer = "yingting 18957139**7",
                Room = "2#1703",
                Brokerage = 125 * i,
                Profits = 25 * i

        var excelFile = @"/Users/rigofunc/Documents/sample.xlsx";

        // save to excel file

        // load from excel
        var loadFromExcel = Excel.Load<Report>(excelFile);

EXTENSIONS/CUSTOMIZING DEMO: From Annotations by extenstion methods.


The following demo show how to extend the exist functionalities by extension methods.

1. Applying annotations to the specified model

public class Report
    [Display(Name = "城市")]
    public string City { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "楼盘")]
    public string Building { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "区域")]
    public string Area { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "成交时间")]
    public DateTime HandleTime { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "经纪人")]
    public string Broker { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "客户")]
    public string Customer { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "房源")]
    public string Room { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "佣金(元)")]
    public decimal Brokerage { get; set; }
    [Display(Name = "收益(元)")]
    public decimal Profits { get; set; }

2. Defines the extension methods.

public static class FluentConfigurationExtensions
    public static FluentConfiguration<TModel> FromAnnotations<TModel>(this FluentConfiguration<TModel> fluentConfiguration) where TModel : class
        var properties = typeof(TModel).GetProperties();
        foreach (var property in properties)
            var pc = fluentConfiguration.Property(property);

            var display = property.GetCustomAttribute<DisplayAttribute>();
            if (display != null)
                if (display.GetOrder().HasValue)

            var format = property.GetCustomAttribute<DisplayFormatAttribute>();
            if (format != null)
                                          .Replace("{0:", "")
                                          .Replace("}", ""));

            if (pc.Index < 0)

        return fluentConfiguration;