~~Strike~~Ambusher: - [x] Tank Buster Cannon - [ ] Phaser, - [x] Disintegrator Bombard: - [ ] Artillery Torpedo - [ ] Depth charge launcher Support: - [ ] Torpedo...
Skuttle could have a unit AI added to it to jump to traverse and use its jump to attack targets.
This would be a fun feature to add. Render an arbitrary text under a unit (through /rename).
Major ones: - [ ] Reclaim (I want to set reclaim to 75/50/25) - [ ] Economy: Add RTG icon and explain it decays - [ ] Storage Screen: Explain...
Suggested by Majo, knight could be a jack of all trades commander. Or we could even do something crazy with it.
This would be similar to aegis but smaller (perhaps we can resize the model?) and be deployed from a commander dgun to create a temporary fortification.