RingEdge_NoKey_softmod copied to clipboard
Additional Documentation
Mirroring in all of the useual places for posterity. Shout out to finisterre. Please merge here if you are able.
If you send me a proper PR to this repo, I'll be happy to merge it in my dude.
It can be found here in repo form https://gitea.tendokyu.moe/eamuse/docs
man you reply quick
As I've been hammered with other projects, and the other team members here have largely disappeared do me a favor, fork this repo: https://github.com/ArcadeHustle/RingEdge_NoKey_softmod/fork , "git add" in the content from the docs folder into it's own folder, and push a pull request, https://github.com/ArcadeHustle/RingEdge_NoKey_softmod/compare I'll mash the merge button.