Python-Quarantine-Projects copied to clipboard
Here we are going to make some python projects during Quarantine time
Python-Quarantine-Projects - An Amazing trail of projects
Projects Completed :
1.Instagram Image Downloader --- Created by - Mitesh
2.Django Blog website --- Created by - Mahesh Sawant For Working and other details check - Django-Blog
3.High Qulity YouTube Video Downloader --Sairoyal
4.Making a security camera using laptop webcam and streaming it on local network using flask --- Almost Done by tushar-mehndiratta
5.GitHub Repo Automation
6.Telegram Bot Integration with Arduino UNO Using Serial
7.PDF Book Reader with Voice Using pyttsx3
8.To make a program which extract and detect the text from any image using python openCV
9.Voice Translator
10.Spell Checker --- Created by ---Yashagarwal
11.News Updater With Voice
12.Wallpaper Changer
13.Face Recognition Attendence System with AWS Rekognition & Raspberry Pi3
14.Face Recognition Door Lock with AWS Rekognition & Raspberry Pi3
15.Encryption system --- Created by ---Divakar
16.Work Setup Automation EXE
17.Face & Eyes Detection Using Open-CV + Haar-Cascade
18.Text To Speech
19.Speech To Text
20.Gesture Control Media Player
21.Python Weather Forecaster --- Created by --- Buabaj
22.Python Stock-Prediction --- Created by --- Buabaj
23.AI Tkinter Tic-Tac-Toe --- Created by --- Buabaj
24.AI turtle tic-tac-toe --- Created by --- Buabaj
25.Python lane-finder for Self Driving vehicles --- Created by --- Buabaj
26.Duplication Identifyer --- Created by ---Divakar
27.Twitter_Analysis --- Created by ---Divakar
28.Auto Backup Drive
29.File Compare
30.Twitter-Bot-Detection --- Created by ---AyanChawla
31.Making a security camera using laptop webcam and streaming it on local network using flask
32.Raspberry Pi Sonoff
34.simple PyQt5 Password generator by Thicc1
35.Color based detection and Object tracking using OpenCV --- Created by ---pyGuru
36.To-DO List App Using FLask ToDOList
37.Snake Game by Suhas B
Project In Progress :
Guys drop your project ideas here one by one we will start workig on it
1.Raspberry Pi Spy Bot
2.Making an AI that can Play GTA San Andreas Using Python --- Working On it --- NEED HELP IN THIS
3.ToDo List App using Android & Java --- Work in Progress
4.Typing Speed test using a GUI
5.Internet Speed Meter GUI
6.Telegram bot that can show movie ratings using python
7.Arduino + Raspberry pi based robot car
8.Raspberry Pi based video door bell using python
9.'Snake and Ladder' and 'Housii' game using python