Results 358 comments of AraHaan

> > > **[SF.7]( Don't write `using namespace` at global scope in a header file** > > the global namespace can be modified as follows > > ``` > //...

tbh I would love if there was 3 versions of crypto++, 1st version is how it is now, 2nd version is header only, 3rd version using c++ modules in c++...

Does this support The Ultimate Doom well too? I would like to get a much better Doom Editor that does not crash on Windows 7 Ultimate x64. 👀 And well...

hmm so I could use a venv in my python 3.5 on Windows to build things for 3.5 on mac and linux?

What python version you have installed? you have python 3.4 or newer installed somewhere? it is possible if you do to install the python3.4m shared library there. I read something...

yeah play with ``LD_LIBRARY_PATH`` and yes you can override it I think.

@Helias mainly because CrashEdit is more complete atm and I am interested in cracking the T2 and the compressed 3d models. And there was a pull request closed in ManDude's...

@ironcev you ok with adding my generator to that list as well too? #46