
Results 18 comments of Apskaita5

Not serializable. When using Default newtonsoft json serialization settings, exception: "Self referencing loop detected for property 'ManifestModule' with type 'System.Reflection.RuntimeModule'. Path 'Sorting[0].SortKeySelector.Body.Operand.Member.Module.Assembly'." When using ReferenceLoopHandling.Serialize, program goes into infinite recursion....

I thought about standard user options persistence over application restart but the idea with a scoped service will do for starters.

Not a priority for me as well ;) It turned out that my users themselves are not sure if they want to save these specific GUI settings between sessions at...

Took a quick look at your code. I think if you implement HxGrid method ``` public IEnumerable GetAvailableSortings() => columnsList.Where(c => null != c.SortKeySelector).Select(c => c.SortKeySelector); ``` the serialization could...

Kokį klaidos pranešimą meta, kai nepasileidžia? Pas mane patį win10, jokių problemų nėra.

"logo jokio" - taip, jokio, savo laiku paaukota dėl mano laiko stokos funkcija. "nedaro try catch and main funcijos" - daro, dar niekada niekam nebuvo, kad nepasileistų be klaidos pranešimo....

"na 3.5 tai jau vapsie akmens amzius..." - pgl gaunamus error report'us kažkur 10 - 20 proc. vartotojų vis dar sėdi su XP... "Teoriskai kai turi tokia klientura jau, galetum...

No English version. Don't think it's usable as is outside of Lithuanian financial accounting legal framework. Though it's relatively simple to translate. Just go to the winforms project (Apskaita5/AccDataBindingsWinForms) and...