Soil copied to clipboard
[Cleanup] allUnsentMessages
There should be no unsent messages. We should check all of the and decide:
- if we need it, we need write a test
- if not, we can remove it
String streamContents: [:str |
| methods |
methods := Soil package allUnsentMessages flatCollect: [ :selector | selector implementors ].
methods := methods reject: [ :meth | meth hasPragmaNamed: #inspectorPresentationOrder:title: ].
methods do: [ :meth | str
nextPutAll: '- [ ] ';
nextPutAll: meth name;
cr ]]
This is the current list.
- [ ] SoilPagedFileIndexStore>>#hasStream
- [ ] SoilMetrics>>#objectRecordCacheMaximumSize
- [ ] SoilCommitTransactionEntry>>#objectIds
- [ ] SoilNewBehaviorEntry>>#objectIds
- [ ] SoilPluggableIndexRewriter>>#itemBlock:
- [ ] SoilPluggableIndexRewriter>>#indexBlock:
- [ ] SoilPagedIndexStore>>#highestPageIndex
- [ ] SoilUpdateSegmentIndexEntry>>#objectIds
- [ ] SoilJournalEntry class>>#allMapped
- [ ] SoilPagedIndexStore>>#isCopyOnWrite
- [ ] SoilSkipListLegacyHeaderPage>>#readLegacyFrom:
- [ ] SoilTransaction>>#findRecords:
- [ ] SoilSkipListPage>>#sizeInBytes
- [ ] SoilObjectSegment>>#indexAt:put:
- [ ] SoilIndexItemsPage>>#itemRemoveAt:
- [ ] SoilCheckpointEntry>>#objectIds
- [ ] SoilClusterRecord>>#findReferencesTo
- [ ] SoilLogSequenceNumber>>#nextFilename
- [ ] SoilSkipList>>#convertToNewFormat
- [ ] SoilNewObjectEntry>>#objectIds
- [ ] SoilNewObjectEntry>>#effect
- [ ] SoilCopyOnWriteIndexStore>>#isCopyOnWrite
- [ ] SoilTransaction>>#recordsToCommit
- [ ] SoilObjectProxy>>#isIdenticalTo:
- [ ] SoilObjectProxy>>#asUnresolvedProxy
- [ ] SoilNewSkipListIndexEntry>>#objectIds
- [ ] Soil>>#materializerClass:
- [ ] SoilUpdateDatabaseVersion>>#effect
- [ ] SoilIndexRewriter>>#force:
- [ ] SoilPersistentClusterVersion>>#behaviorDescriptionWithIndex:
- [ ] SoilIndexManager>>#hasIndexId:
- [ ] SoilTransaction>>#setWriteVersion:
- [ ] SoilSkipListLegacyHeaderPage>>#lastFreePageIndex
- [ ] SoilCopyOnWriteIndexStore>>#wrappedStore
- [ ] SoilMetrics>>#objectsSerialized
- [ ] SoilMetrics>>#objectsMaterialized
- [ ] SoilJournalConverter>>#convert
- [ ] SoilMetrics>>#metaRecordCacheMaximumSize
- [ ] SoilNewBehaviorEntry>>#effect
- [ ] SoilMetrics>>#transactionsAborted
- [ ] SoilAddKeyEntry>>#effect
- [ ] SoilAddKeyEntry>>#objectIds
- [ ] SoilFindRecordsVisitor>>#numberOfRecords:
- [ ] SoilUpdateSegmentIndexEntry>>#effect
- [ ] SoilTransaction>>#indexAt:segment:
- [ ] SoilTransaction>>#registerRecord:
- [ ] SoilBeginTransactionEntry>>#objectIds
- [ ] SoilRemoveKeyEntry>>#objectIds
- [ ] SoilCheckpointEntry>>#checkpointedAt
- [ ] SoilUpdateDatabaseVersion>>#objectIds
- [ ] SoilCheckpointEntry>>#previousCheckpoint
- [ ] SoilSkipList>>#isPersistent
- [ ] SoilMetrics>>#metaRecordCacheSize
- [ ] SoilPagedFileIndexStore>>#pagesStart
- [ ] SoilTransaction>>#findObject:
- [ ] SoilSkipListHeaderPage>>#lastFreePageIndex
- [ ] SoilMetrics>>#objectRecordCacheSize
- [ ] Soil>>#serializerClass:
I updated the list and updated the code snippet to generate the list of currently unused methods.
This is a good starting point to improve code coverage / find untested code