segment-appsflyer-ios copied to clipboard
'AppsFlyerLib/AppsFlyerLib.h' file not found
version v6.4.0 is not compiling with Xcode 13.1. There is some issue with importing AppsFlyerLib with SPM in SEGAppsFlyerIntegration.h
'AppsFlyerLib/AppsFlyerLib.h' file not found
Steps to reproduce:
- clone the repo
- open
in Xcode 13.1 - try to build
Hi @Hans92,
We will check this. The issue is only happening with Xcode 13.1 if I understand correctly?
@af-margot I can confirm that it also occurs with Xcode 13.0. First build always fails but building it a second time succeeds.
@af-margot this is also happening for us using segment-appsflyer-ios
version 6.3.4 and building with our release configuration only
I can confirm it happens for us too with the Swift Package Manager version. Works good with cocoapods.
I was having the same issue where first build failed, which was blocking my CI/CD system from doing clean builds. However if I changed the package file to include the AppsFlyer XCFramework directly as a binary target the problem went away:
// swift-tools-version:5.3
// The swift-tools-version declares the minimum version of Swift required to build this package.
import PackageDescription
let package = Package(
name: "segment-appsflyer-ios",
platforms: [
products: [
// Products define the executables and libraries a package produces, and make them visible to other packages.
name: "segment-appsflyer-ios",
targets: ["segment-appsflyer-ios"]),
dependencies: [
// Dependencies declare other packages that this package depends on.
.package(name: "Segment", url: "" , from: "4.0.0"),
targets: [
// Targets are the basic building blocks of a package. A target can define a module or a test suite.
// Targets can depend on other targets in this package, and on products in packages this package depends on.
name: "segment-appsflyer-ios",
dependencies: [
path: "segment-appsflyer-ios/Classes",
publicHeadersPath: ""
name: "AppsFlyerLib",
url: "",
checksum: "8924e43bfec9a0abe3b47b6062c434e08ca824df4648a8ea0abf8018f72709c3"
Obviously this is not ideal, but hopefully this is useful information to help solve the problem.
I can confirm it happens with the Swift Package Manager version.
I encountered this issue on v6.4.0
and for me the issue was that part of the AppsFlyer framework files was in git lfs and I hadn't yet pulled the necessary files down. If you're in a similar case, do cat .gitattributes
on the root of your project and if AppsFlyer is mentioned, perhaps you're in a similar situation. If that file doesn't exists or AppsFlyer isn't listed, this might not help you.
To get the Git LFS files, run:
brew install git-lfs
git-lfs install
git-lfs pull
@af-margot any update on this issue? I'm seeing it as well. The build failures are inconsistent, but the error is always the same:
'AppsFlyerLib/AppsFlyerLib.h' file not found
I'm attempting to use v6.5.2.
The same happening with Xcode 13.2.1. I am using version 6.5.2