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Sample Code base to run tests in Parallel across android and iOS devices.


To Run the TestNG test on android

* Platform="android" mvn clean -Dtest=Runner test

To Run the TestNG test on iOS

* Platform="ios" mvn clean -Dtest=Runner test

To Run the TestNG test on iOS and android both in parallel

* Platform="both" mvn clean -Dtest=Runner test

To Run the Cucumber test

* mvn validate && Platform="android" mvn clean -Dtest=RunnerCukes test    

1.Please make sure you have capabilities.json under caps folder.

2.RUNNER value in can be set with parallel or distribute. (Parallel will run the same test cases across devices & distribute will split the test cases randomly across devices)

3.No need to start appium server externally , framework takes case of starting and shutting down the server for you.

Reports :

All the execution reports are logged to report-portal ( Please update the reportportal properties which is located inside test/resources/

Please Raise Issues

Parallel Simulator Test


Please refer the AppiumTestDistribution Framework for hacks ::