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vulnerability-db copied to clipboard

Triage results for opencv

Open prabhu opened this issue 7 months ago • 1 comments

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We're currently reporting CVEs for version-less generic packages. Perhaps we can expose some options to configure the lookup.

python vdb/ --bom /mnt/work/sandbox/opencv/bom.json

  /\  ._  ._  | |_  ._ _   _. _|_
 /--\ |_) |_) | | | | (/_ (_|  |_
      |   |

                                                                                    VDB Results
┃ CVE            ┃ Locator                               ┃ Description                                                        ┃ Affected Symbols                                   ┃
│ CVE-2021-23169 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ A heap-buffer overflow was found in the copyIntoFrameBuffer        │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ function of OpenEXR in versions before 3.0.1. An attacker could    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ use this flaw to execute arbitrary code with the permissions of    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ the user running the application compiled against OpenEXR.         │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-3474  │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ There's a flaw in OpenEXR in versions before 3.0.0-beta. A crafted │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ input file that is processed by OpenEXR could cause a shift        │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ overflow in the FastHufDecoder, potentially leading to problems    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ with application availability.                                     │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-20299 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ A flaw was found in OpenEXR's Multipart input file functionality.  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ A crafted multi-part input file with no actual parts can trigger a │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ NULL pointer dereference. The highest threat from this             │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ vulnerability is to system availability.                           │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-26945 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ An integer overflow leading to a heap-buffer overflow was found in │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ OpenEXR in versions before 3.0.1. An attacker could use this flaw  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ to crash an application compiled with OpenEXR.                     │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-20304 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ A flaw was found in OpenEXR's hufDecode functionality. This flaw   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ allows an attacker who can pass a crafted file to be processed by  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ OpenEXR, to trigger an undefined right shift error. The highest    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ threat from this vulnerability is to system availability.          │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-3598  │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ There's a flaw in OpenEXR's ImfDeepScanLineInputFile functionality │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ in versions prior to 3.0.5. An attacker who is able to submit a    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ crafted file to an application linked with OpenEXR could cause an  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ out-of-bounds read. The greatest risk from this flaw is to         │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ application availability.                                          │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-45942 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ OpenEXR 3.1.x before 3.1.4 has a heap-based buffer overflow in     │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ Imf_3_1::LineCompositeTask::execute (called from                   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ IlmThread_3_1::NullThreadPoolProvider::addTask and                 │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ IlmThread_3_1::ThreadPool::addGlobalTask). NOTE: db217f2 may be    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ inapplicable.                                                      │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-20300 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ A flaw was found in OpenEXR's hufUncompress functionality in       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ OpenEXR/IlmImf/ImfHuf.cpp. This flaw allows an attacker who can    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ submit a crafted file that is processed by OpenEXR, to trigger an  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ integer overflow. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ system availability.                                               │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-3605  │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ There's a flaw in OpenEXR's rleUncompress functionality in         │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ versions prior to 3.0.5. An attacker who is able to submit a       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ crafted file to an application linked with OpenEXR could cause an  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ out-of-bounds read. The greatest risk from this flaw is to         │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ application availability.                                          │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-26260 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ An integer overflow leading to a heap-buffer overflow was found in │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ the DwaCompressor of OpenEXR in versions before 3.0.1. An attacker │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ could use this flaw to crash an application compiled with OpenEXR. │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ This is a different flaw from CVE-2021-23215.                      │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-20296 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ A flaw was found in OpenEXR in versions before 3.0.0-beta. A       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ crafted input file supplied by an attacker, that is processed by   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ the Dwa decompression functionality of OpenEXR's IlmImf library,   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ could cause a NULL pointer dereference. The highest threat from    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ this vulnerability is to system availability.                      │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-3479  │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ There's a flaw in OpenEXR's Scanline API functionality in versions │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ before 3.0.0-beta. An attacker who is able to submit a crafted     │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ file to be processed by OpenEXR could trigger excessive            │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ consumption of memory, resulting in an impact to system            │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ availability.                                                      │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-20302 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ A flaw was found in OpenEXR's TiledInputFile functionality. This   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ flaw allows an attacker who can submit a crafted single-part       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ non-image to be processed by OpenEXR, to trigger a floating-point  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ exception error. The highest threat from this vulnerability is to  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ system availability.                                               │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-20298 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ A flaw was found in OpenEXR's B44Compressor. This flaw allows an   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ attacker who can submit a crafted file to be processed by OpenEXR, │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ to exhaust all memory accessible to the application. The highest   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ threat from this vulnerability is to system availability.          │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-3941  │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ In ImfChromaticities.cpp routine RGBtoXYZ(), there are some        │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ division operations such as float Z = (1 - chroma.white.x -        │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ chroma.white.y) * Y / chroma.white.y; and * (X +    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ Z))) / d; but the divisor is not checked for a 0 value. A          │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ specially crafted file could trigger a divide-by-zero condition    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ which could affect the availability of programs linked with        │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ OpenEXR.                                                           │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-3477  │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ There's a flaw in OpenEXR's deep tile sample size calculations in  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ versions before 3.0.0-beta. An attacker who is able to submit a    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ crafted file to be processed by OpenEXR could trigger an integer   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ overflow, subsequently leading to an out-of-bounds read. The       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ greatest risk of this flaw is to application availability.         │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-3475  │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ There is a flaw in OpenEXR in versions before 3.0.0-beta. An       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ attacker who can submit a crafted file to be processed by OpenEXR  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ could cause an integer overflow, potentially leading to problems   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ with application availability.                                     │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-23215 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ An integer overflow leading to a heap-buffer overflow was found in │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ the DwaCompressor of OpenEXR in versions before 3.0.1. An attacker │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ could use this flaw to crash an application compiled with OpenEXR. │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-20303 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ A flaw found in function dataWindowForTile() of                    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ IlmImf/ImfTiledMisc.cpp. An attacker who is able to submit a       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ crafted file to be processed by OpenEXR could trigger an integer   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ overflow, leading to an out-of-bounds write on the heap. The       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ greatest impact of this flaw is to application availability, with  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ some potential impact to data integrity as well.                   │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-3476  │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ A flaw was found in OpenEXR's B44 uncompression functionality in   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ versions before 3.0.0-beta. An attacker who is able to submit a    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ crafted file to OpenEXR could trigger shift overflows, potentially │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ affecting application availability.                                │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-3478  │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ There's a flaw in OpenEXR's scanline input file functionality in   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ versions before 3.0.0-beta. An attacker able to submit a crafted   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ file to be processed by OpenEXR could consume excessive system     │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ memory. The greatest impact of this flaw is to system              │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ availability.                                                      │                                                    │
│ CVE-2021-3933  │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ An integer overflow could occur when OpenEXR processes a crafted   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ file on systems where size_t < 64 bits. This could cause an        │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ invalid bytesPerLine and maxBytesPerLine value, which could lead   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ to problems with application stability or lead to other attack     │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ paths.                                                             │                                                    │
│ CVE-2023-5841  │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ Due to a failure in validating the number of scanline samples of a │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ OpenEXR file containing deep scanline data, Academy Software       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ Foundation OpenEX image parsing library version 3.2.1 and prior is │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ susceptible to a heap-based buffer overflow vulnerability. This    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ issue was resolved as of versions v3.2.2 and v3.1.12 of the        │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ affected library.                                                  │                                                    │
│ CVE-2020-15304 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ An issue was discovered in OpenEXR before 2.5.2. An invalid tiled  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ input file could cause invalid memory access in                    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ TiledInputFile::TiledInputFile() in IlmImf/ImfTiledInputFile.cpp,  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ as demonstrated by a NULL pointer dereference.                     │                                                    │
│ CVE-2020-11758 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ An issue was discovered in OpenEXR before 2.4.1. There is an       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ out-of-bounds read in ImfOptimizedPixelReading.h.                  │                                                    │
│ CVE-2020-11761 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ An issue was discovered in OpenEXR before 2.4.1. There is an       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ out-of-bounds read during Huffman uncompression, as demonstrated   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ by FastHufDecoder::refill in ImfFastHuf.cpp.                       │                                                    │
│ CVE-2020-11760 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ An issue was discovered in OpenEXR before 2.4.1. There is an       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ out-of-bounds read during RLE uncompression in rleUncompress in    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ ImfRle.cpp.                                                        │                                                    │
│ CVE-2020-11762 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ An issue was discovered in OpenEXR before 2.4.1. There is an       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ out-of-bounds read and write in DwaCompressor::uncompress in       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ ImfDwaCompressor.cpp when handling the UNKNOWN compression case.   │                                                    │
│ CVE-2020-15306 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ An issue was discovered in OpenEXR before v2.5.2. Invalid          │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ chunkCount attributes could cause a heap buffer overflow in        │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ getChunkOffsetTableSize() in IlmImf/ImfMisc.cpp.                   │                                                    │
│ CVE-2020-16589 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ A head-based buffer overflow exists in Academy Software Foundation │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ OpenEXR 2.3.0 in writeTileData in ImfTiledOutputFile.cpp that can  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ cause a denial of service via a crafted EXR file.                  │                                                    │
│ CVE-2020-11763 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ An issue was discovered in OpenEXR before 2.4.1. There is an       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ std::vector out-of-bounds read and write, as demonstrated by       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ ImfTileOffsets.cpp.                                                │                                                    │
│ CVE-2020-11765 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ An issue was discovered in OpenEXR before 2.4.1. There is an       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ off-by-one error in use of the ImfXdr.h read function by           │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ DwaCompressor::Classifier::Classifier, leading to an out-of-bounds │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ read.                                                              │                                                    │
│ CVE-2020-16588 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ A Null Pointer Deference issue exists in Academy Software          │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ Foundation OpenEXR 2.3.0 in generatePreview in makePreview.cpp     │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ that can cause a denial of service via a crafted EXR file.         │                                                    │
│ CVE-2020-11764 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ An issue was discovered in OpenEXR before 2.4.1. There is an       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ out-of-bounds write in copyIntoFrameBuffer in ImfMisc.cpp.         │                                                    │
│ CVE-2020-16587 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ A heap-based buffer overflow vulnerability exists in Academy       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ Software Foundation OpenEXR 2.3.0 in chunkOffsetReconstruction in  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ ImfMultiPartInputFile.cpp that can cause a denial of service via a │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ crafted EXR file.                                                  │                                                    │
│ CVE-2020-15305 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ An issue was discovered in OpenEXR before 2.5.2. Invalid input     │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ could cause a use-after-free in                                    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ DeepScanLineInputFile::DeepScanLineInputFile() in                  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ IlmImf/ImfDeepScanLineInputFile.cpp.                               │                                                    │
│ CVE-2020-11759 │ pkg:generic/openexr                   │ An issue was discovered in OpenEXR before 2.4.1. Because of        │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ integer overflows in                                               │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ CompositeDeepScanLine::Data::handleDeepFrameBuffer and             │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ readSampleCountForLineBlock, an attacker can write to an           │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ out-of-bounds pointer.                                             │                                                    │
│ CVE-2023-24535 │ pkg:generic/protobuf                  │ Parsing invalid messages can panic. Parsing a text-format message  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ which contains a potential number consisting of a minus sign, one  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ or more characters of whitespace, and no further input will cause  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ a panic.                                                           │                                                    │
│ CVE-2019-14492 │ pkg:generic/opencv                    │ An issue was discovered in OpenCV before 3.4.7 and 4.x before      │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ 4.1.1. There is an out of bounds read/write in the function        │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ HaarEvaluator::OptFeature::calc in                                 │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ modules/objdetect/src/cascadedetect.hpp, which leads to denial of  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ service.                                                           │                                                    │
│ CVE-2019-19624 │ pkg:generic/opencv                    │ An out-of-bounds read was discovered in OpenCV before 4.1.1.       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ Specifically, variable coarsest_scale is assumed to be greater     │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ than or equal to finest_scale within the calc()/ocl_calc()         │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ functions in dis_flow.cpp. However, this is not true when dealing  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ with small images, leading to an out-of-bounds read of the         │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ heap-allocated arrays Ux and Uy.                                   │                                                    │
│ CVE-2019-15939 │ pkg:generic/opencv                    │ An issue was discovered in OpenCV 4.1.0. There is a divide-by-zero │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ error in cv::HOGDescriptor::getDescriptorSize in                   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ modules/objdetect/src/hog.cpp.                                     │                                                    │
│ CVE-2019-14491 │ pkg:generic/opencv                    │ An issue was discovered in OpenCV before 3.4.7 and 4.x before      │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ 4.1.1. There is an out of bounds read in the function              │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ cv::predictOrderedcv::HaarEvaluator in                             │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ modules/objdetect/src/cascadedetect.hpp, which leads to denial of  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ service.                                                           │                                                    │
│ CVE-2019-5064  │ pkg:generic/opencv                    │ An exploitable heap buffer overflow vulnerability exists in the    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ data structure persistence functionality of OpenCV, before version │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ 4.2.0. A specially crafted JSON file can cause a buffer overflow,  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ resulting in multiple heap corruptions and potentially code        │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ execution. An attacker can provide a specially crafted file to     │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ trigger this vulnerability.                                        │                                                    │
│ CVE-2019-16249 │ pkg:generic/opencv                    │ OpenCV 4.1.1 has an out-of-bounds read in hal_baseline::v_load in  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ core/hal/intrin_sse.hpp when called from computeSSDMeanNorm in     │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ modules/video/src/dis_flow.cpp.                                    │                                                    │
│ CVE-2019-14493 │ pkg:generic/opencv                    │ An issue was discovered in OpenCV before 4.1.1. There is a NULL    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ pointer dereference in the function cv::XMLParser::parse at        │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ modules/core/src/persistence.cpp.                                  │                                                    │
│ CVE-2019-5063  │ pkg:generic/opencv                    │ An exploitable heap buffer overflow vulnerability exists in the    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ data structure persistence functionality of OpenCV 4.1.0. A        │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ specially crafted XML file can cause a buffer overflow, resulting  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ in multiple heap corruptions and potential code execution. An      │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ attacker can provide a specially crafted file to trigger this      │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ vulnerability.                                                     │                                                    │
│ CVE-2018-7713  │ pkg:generic/opencv                    │ The validateInputImageSize function in                             │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ modules/imgcodecs/src/loadsave.cpp in OpenCV 3.4.1 allows remote   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ attackers to cause a denial of service (assertion failure) because │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ (size.width <= (1<<20)) may be false. Note: “OpenCV CV_Assert is   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ not an assertion (C-like assert()), it is regular C++ exception    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ which can raised in case of invalid or non-supported parameters.   │                                                    │
│ CVE-2018-5268  │ pkg:generic/opencv                    │ In OpenCV 3.3.1, a heap-based buffer overflow happens in           │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ cv::Jpeg2KDecoder::readComponent8u in                              │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ modules/imgcodecs/src/grfmt_jpeg2000.cpp when parsing a crafted    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ image file.                                                        │                                                    │
│ CVE-2018-5269  │ pkg:generic/opencv                    │ In OpenCV 3.3.1, an assertion failure happens in                   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ cv::RBaseStream::setPos in modules/imgcodecs/src/bitstrm.cpp       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ because of an incorrect integer cast.                              │                                                    │
│ CVE-2018-7712  │ pkg:generic/opencv                    │ The validateInputImageSize function in                             │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ modules/imgcodecs/src/loadsave.cpp in OpenCV 3.4.1 allows remote   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ attackers to cause a denial of service (assertion failure) because │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ (size.height <= (1<<20)) may be false. Note: “OpenCV CV_Assert is  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ not an assertion (C-like assert()), it is regular C++ exception    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ which can raised in case of invalid or non-supported parameters.   │                                                    │
│ CVE-2018-7714  │ pkg:generic/opencv                    │ The validateInputImageSize function in                             │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ modules/imgcodecs/src/loadsave.cpp in OpenCV 3.4.1 allows remote   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ attackers to cause a denial of service (assertion failure) because │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ (pixels <= (1<<30)) may be false. Note: “OpenCV CV_Assert is not   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ an assertion (C-like assert()), it is regular C++ exception which  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ can raised in case of invalid or non-supported parameters.         │                                                    │
│ CVE-2023-2618  │ pkg:generic/opencv                    │ A vulnerability, which was classified as problematic, has been     │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ found in OpenCV wechat_qrcode Module up to 4.7.0. Affected by this │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ issue is the function DecodedBitStreamParser::decodeHanziSegment   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ of the file qrcode/decoder/decoded_bit_stream_parser.cpp. The      │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ manipulation leads to memory leak. The attack may be launched      │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ remotely. The name of the patch is                                 │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ 2b62ff6181163eea029ed1cab11363b4996e9cd6. It is recommended to     │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ apply a patch to fix this issue. The identifier of this            │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ vulnerability is VDB-228548.                                       │                                                    │
│ CVE-2023-2617  │ pkg:generic/opencv                    │ A vulnerability classified as problematic was found in OpenCV      │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ wechat_qrcode Module up to 4.7.0. Affected by this vulnerability   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ is the function DecodedBitStreamParser::decodeByteSegment of the   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ file qrcode/decoder/decoded_bit_stream_parser.cpp. The             │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ manipulation leads to null pointer dereference. The attack can be  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ launched remotely. The exploit has been disclosed to the public    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ and may be used. It is recommended to apply a patch to fix this    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ issue. The associated identifier of this vulnerability is          │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ VDB-228547.                                                        │                                                    │
│ CVE-2018-9840  │ pkg:generic/signal#signal.h           │ The Open Whisper Signal app before 2.23.2 for iOS allows           │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ physically proximate attackers to bypass the screen locker feature │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ via certain rapid sequences of actions that include app opening,   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ clicking on cancel, and using the home button.                     │                                                    │
│ CVE-2018-16132 │ pkg:generic/signal#signal.h           │ The image rendering component (createGenericPreview) of the Open   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ Whisper Signal app through 2.29.0 for iOS fails to check for       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ unreasonably large images before manipulating received images.     │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ This allows for a large image sent to a user to exhaust all        │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ available memory when the image is displayed, resulting in a       │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ forced restart of the device.                                      │                                                    │
│ CVE-2022-28345 │ pkg:generic/signal#signal.h           │ The Signal app before 5.34 for iOS allows URI spoofing via RTLO    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ injection. It incorrectly renders RTLO encoded URLs beginning with │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ a non-breaking space, when there is a hash character in the URL.   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ This technique allows a remote unauthenticated attacker to send    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ legitimate looking links, appearing to be any website URL, by      │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ abusing the non-http/non-https automatic rendering of URLs. An     │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ attacker can spoof, for example,, and masquerade any   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ URL with a malicious destination. An attacker requires a subdomain │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ such as gepj, txt, fdp, or xcod, which would appear backwards as   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ jpeg, txt, pdf, and docx respectively.                             │                                                    │
│ CVE-2020-5753  │ pkg:generic/signal#signal.h           │ Signal Private Messenger Android v4.59.0 and up and iOS v3.8.1.5   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ and up allows a remote non-contact to ring a victim's Signal phone │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ and disclose currently used DNS server due to ICE Candidate        │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ handling before call is answered or declined.                      │                                                    │
│ CVE-2018-25032 │ pkg:generic/zlib#3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h │ zlib before 1.2.12 allows memory corruption when deflating (i.e.,  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ when compressing) if the input has many distant matches.           │                                                    │
│ CVE-2022-37434 │ pkg:generic/zlib#3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h │ zlib through 1.2.12 has a heap-based buffer over-read or buffer    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ overflow in inflate in inflate.c via a large gzip header extra     │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ field. NOTE: only applications that call inflateGetHeader are      │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ affected. Some common applications bundle the affected zlib source │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ code but may be unable to call inflateGetHeader (e.g., see the     │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ nodejs/node reference).                                            │                                                    │
│ CVE-2023-45853 │ pkg:generic/zlib#3rdparty/zlib/zlib.h │ MiniZip in zlib through 1.3 has an integer overflow and resultant  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ heap-based buffer overflow in zipOpenNewFileInZip4_64 via a long   │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ filename, comment, or extra field. NOTE: MiniZip is not a          │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ supported part of the zlib product. NOTE: pyminizip through 0.2.6  │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ is also vulnerable because it bundles an affected zlib version,    │                                                    │
│                │                                       │ and exposes the applicable MiniZip code through its compress API.  │                                                    │


  • [ ] CVE-2023-4969 is not reported for [email protected]. This is because it comes up with the purl prefix pkg:generic/khronos/opencl based on the nvd entry.

prabhu avatar Jul 06 '24 20:07 prabhu