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Demo code for the upcoming SwiftUI ChartView v2 release


Demo code for the upcoming SwiftUI ChartView v2 release

In V2 a new structure is introduced. With this you will be able to create your charts with more modularity.

SwiftUI Charts

Creating a basic chart

You can create

  • barchart
  • linechart
  • piechart

To create a chart, initialise the chart type you would like to have then give it data and style:

@State var chartData: [Double] = [0, 5, 6, 2, 13, 4, 3, 6]


Creating a cardview chart

To create a cardview chart, you just embed a basic chart in a CardView element, also cardview is a normal view now, so you can specify your frame if you like:

CardView {
  ChartLabel("Title", type: .title)


CardView {
  ChartLabel("Text", type: .custom(...))

Adding a title, subtitle or custom text

Title, subtitle and text is now a standalone element, called ChartLabel. When you interact with the chart, the current chart value will automatically appear in place of the text in ChartLabel. You can add a ChartLabel by inserting above or below the chart:

CardView {
.frame(width: 160, height: 240)


Has types:

  • title
  • largeTitle
  • subtitle
  • legend
  • custom(size: CGFloat, padding: EdgeInsets, color: Color)


ChartStyle contains as for now the backgournd and foreground color. Foreground color property is a array so you can have multiple colors in some charts. Colors are a type of ColorGradient so it supports linear grandients and simple colors too.


  • public init(backgroundColor: Color, foregroundColor: [ColorGradient])
  • public init(backgroundColor: Color, foregroundColor: ColorGradient)
  • public init(backgroundColor: ColorGradient, foregroundColor: ColorGradient)
  • public init(backgroundColor: ColorGradient, foregroundColor: [ColorGradient])


public init(showShadow: Bool = true, @ViewBuilder content: @escaping () -> Content)