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Easy kubernetes documentation


Easy to use online kubernetes documentation.

Important URLS

  • Production
    • app:,
    • api:
  • Staging
    • app:,
    • api:

Devving this repo

  1. clone this repository
  2. cd
  3. ./scripts/ to start the API.
  4. ./scripts/ to start the web app.

You can support more kubernetes versions by dropping any k8s version's Open API spec into ETL/k8s_versions and updating app/k8s_details.js.

Supporting new k8s/product versions

New kubernetes versions

Kubernetes versions are easily updated.

  1. Clone the kubernetes project git clone [email protected]:kubernetes/kubernetes.git
  2. Change to the branch of the version in kubernetes project git checkout release-1.22
  3. Copy the open API spec from the kubernetes project in api/openapi-spec/swagger.json to this project at ETL/k8s_versions/<k8s_version>.json
  4. Add the version to the frontend application at ./app/src/k8s_details.js

New CRD versions

CRDs copied into ./ETL/crds/*/*.yaml will be combined into a product version based off the directory name under ./ETL/crds So for instance ./ETC/crds/certmanager-1.7/*.yaml will generate a product name called certmanager-1.7 that supports any of the CRDs under its directory.

  1. Create a new directory under ./ETL/crds/ and name it appropriately.
  2. Copy all supported CRD YAML files under the new directory
  3. Add the version to the frontend application at ./app/src/k8s_details.js (use the directory name)


Examples are all maintained outside of this repo and are pulled down on the fly. A dictionary of examples is in lambda/

Adding or modifying an example

Examples are found via the k8s/product version as a top key in the examples dictionary.
This example would support k8s 1.20 and certmanager-1.7

examples = {

Docs can be referenced via a ref that leads to a link (refs are only parsed 1 ref down, no recursion) or directly to a link.
This would reference the common product and would look for a key called pod.
"pod": {"$ref": "common#pod"}

This would directly reference an example.
pod: {"url": "", "text": "myamazingpod", "source": ""}
url attribute is a url to the yaml that will be displayed to the user.
text is the text displayed in the frontend application as the source of the example
source is the url the text will link to

If the url needs to reference a specific branch, you can use $BRANCH within the url.
The url in the below example would resolve to
This is useful when using github raw content and the same path can support multiple different versions.

example = {
  "1.20": {
    "branch": "my-awesome-branch",
    "docs": {
      "pod": {"url": "$BRANCH/example.yaml", "text": "myamazingpod", "source": ""}