ioBroker.tuya icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ioBroker.tuya copied to clipboard

Error: 3069195552:error:14094416:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert certificate unknown:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1544:SSL alert number 46

Open kBrausew opened this issue 2 years ago • 15 comments

Add device does not work as expected
Device does not work as expected. DP status is not changed or data points are missing.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1.Start Proxy 2. Start App with use proxy 3. Devices added to iob 4. No Action an the DP's 5. Log Error: SSL-Proxy ERROR: Error: 3069195552:error:14094416:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert certificate unknown:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1544:SSL alert number 46 6. Error: 3069195552:error:14094416:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert certificate unknown:../deps/openssl/openssl/ssl/record/rec_layer_s3.c:1544:SSL alert number 46 7. Log: new Schema added for product type dfbljzjm. Please send next line from logfile on disk to developer! 8. Test the "Unlock methods" with the device: no action in IOB

here you are:

{"schemaExt":"[{"complexType":"","id":25,"inputStyle":"","inputType":"plain"},{"complexType":"","id":26,"inputStyle":"","inputType":" "},{"complexType":"","id":33,"inputStyle":"","inputType":" "},{"complexType":"","id":36,"inputStyle":"","inputType":" "},{"complexType":"","id":46,"inputStyle":"","inputType":" "},{"complexType":"","id":49,"inputStyle":"","inputType":" "},{"complexType":"","id":50,"inputStyle":"","inputType":" "},{"complexType":"","id":58,"inputStyle":"","inputType":" "}]","schema":"[{"mode":"rw","code":"unlock_method_create","name":"添加开门方式","id":1,"type":"raw"},{"mode":"rw","code":"unlock_method_delete","name":"删除开门方式","id":2,"type":"raw"},{"mode":"rw","code":"unlock_method_modify","name":"修改开门方式","id":3,"type":"raw"},{"mode":"rw","code":"bluetooth_unlock","name":"蓝牙解锁","id":6,"type":"raw"},{"mode":"ro","code":"unlock_fingerprint","name":"指纹解锁","property":{"min":0,"max":999,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"value"},"id":12,"trigger":"direct","type":"obj","extContent":"{\"trigger\":\"direct\"}"},{"mode":"ro","code":"unlock_password","name":"密码解锁","property":{"min":0,"max":999,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"value"},"id":13,"trigger":"direct","type":"obj","extContent":"{\"trigger\":\"direct\"}"},{"mode":"ro","code":"unlock_dynamic","name":"动态密码解锁","property":{"min":0,"max":999,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"value"},"id":14,"trigger":"direct","type":"obj","extContent":"{\"trigger\":\"direct\"}"},{"mode":"ro","code":"unlock_card","name":"卡片解锁","property":{"min":0,"max":999,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"value"},"id":15,"trigger":"direct","type":"obj","extContent":"{\"trigger\":\"direct\"}"},{"mode":"ro","code":"open_inside","name":"门从内侧打开","property":{"type":"bool"},"id":18,"trigger":"direct","type":"obj","extContent":"{\"trigger\":\"direct\"}"},{"mode":"ro","code":"unlock_ble","name":"蓝牙解锁记录","property":{"min":0,"max":999,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"value"},"id":19,"trigger":"direct","type":"obj","extContent":"{\"trigger\":\"direct\"}"},{"mode":"ro","code":"alarm_lock","name":"门锁告警","property":{"range":["wrong_finger","wrong_password","wrong_card","wrong_face","tongue_bad","too_hot","unclosed_time","tongue_not_out","pry","key_in","low_battery","power_off","shock","defense"],"type":"enum"},"id":21,"trigger":"direct","type":"obj","extContent":"{\"trigger\":\"direct\"}"},{"mode":"ro","code":"hijack","name":"劫持告警","property":{"type":"bool"},"id":22,"trigger":"direct","type":"obj","extContent":"{\"trigger\":\"direct\"}"},{"mode":"rw","code":"doorbell_song","name":"报警时间(min)","property":{"range":["0","1","2","3"],"type":"enum"},"iconname":"icon-dp_time","id":26,"trigger":"direct","type":"obj","extContent":"{\"trigger\":\"direct\"}"},{"mode":"rw","code":"automatic_lock","name":"自动落锁","property":{"type":"bool"},"id":33,"trigger":"direct","type":"obj","extContent":"{\"trigger\":\"direct\"}"},{"mode":"rw","code":"synch_member","name":"同步成员开门方式","id":35,"type":"raw"},{"mode":"rw","code":"auto_lock_time","name":"开门时间","property":{"unit":"","min":1,"max":120,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"value"},"iconname":"icon-dp_time3","id":36,"trigger":"direct","type":"obj","extContent":"{\"trigger\":\"direct\"}"},{"mode":"ro","code":"closed_opened","name":"门开合状态","property":{"range":["unknown","open","closed"],"type":"enum"},"id":40,"trigger":"direct","type":"obj","extContent":"{\"trigger\":\"direct\"}"},{"mode":"rw","code":"manual_lock","name":"手动落锁","property":{"type":"bool"},"id":46,"trigger":"direct","type":"obj","extContent":"{\"trigger\":\"direct\"}"},{"mode":"ro","code":"lock_motor_state","name":"落锁状态","property":{"type":"bool"},"id":47,"trigger":"direct","type":"obj","extContent":"{\"trigger\":\"direct\"}"},{"mode":"rw","code":"lock_user_enable","name":"解冻用户","property":{"min":0,"max":999,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"value"},"id":49,"trigger":"direct","type":"obj","extContent":"{\"trigger\":\"direct\"}"},{"mode":"rw","code":"lock_user_disable","name":"冻结用户","property":{"min":0,"max":999,"scale":0,"step":1,"type":"value"},"id":50,"trigger":"direct","type":"obj","extContent":"{\"trigger\":\"direct\"}"},{"mode":"rw","code":"synch_method","name":"同步解锁方式","id":54,"type":"raw"},{"mode":"rw","code":"arming_mode","name":"门磁报警","property":{"type":"bool"},"id":58,"trigger":"direct","type":"obj","extContent":"{\"trigger\":\"direct\"}"}]"}

kBrausew avatar May 14 '22 23:05 kBrausew


kBrausew avatar May 14 '22 23:05 kBrausew

So for me to summarize, you did the proxy process and in the end it worked, right?

But you still can not control the device? Then please switch loglevel for the instance to debug and post that log from adapterstart and also from such an try to control something

Apollon77 avatar May 28 '22 22:05 Apollon77

F..k... I now always get network error 5050 in the EMU Have to reinstall everything (EMU + Tuya)

kBrausew avatar May 29 '22 21:05 kBrausew

here are the logs... after the detection has ended, no more activities are recorded in the log, even after a restart of the Tuya adapter

kBrausew avatar Jun 06 '22 13:06 kBrausew

That basicallylooks good ... whats the issue?

It basically looks that way that he knows the IP of one devcie and not of the secind and he also do not get anby UDP messagefrom the other one (but from a third?) Make sure the UDP messagesreach the iobroker host!

Apollon77 avatar Jun 07 '22 06:06 Apollon77

Problem: I'm not getting any events from the device and I can't control it.

Topology: There is a Bluetooth mesh bridge (WLAN) to which a Bluetooth fingerprint device is connected. Fingerprint is not battery operated. (As far as I know, Bluetooth has not assigned an IP in the WLAN). There is no third device. I exposed from Dockers UDP and TCP port 6666, 6667, 6668, 8888, 8889 to the network. The unnecessary TCP shouldn't cause any problems. I also exposed 6668 because it is described in the tuyAPI documentation. At the moment I'm trying to test the connection examples directly with the tuyAPI (unfortunately a little lack of time and therefore moderate progress ;-) )

kBrausew avatar Jun 08 '22 11:06 kBrausew

I think with Docker it is not eenough to expose ports because docker by defauklt do not route UDP packages ... so you need to dig into this and pot use "mac-vlan" and such stuff (where Ic an not support because no idea myself)

Apollon77 avatar Jun 08 '22 12:06 Apollon77

Alternative could be to add the IP manually to the objects if the devcie was discovered correctly ... then it could work

Apollon77 avatar Jun 08 '22 12:06 Apollon77

also see

Apollon77 avatar Jun 08 '22 12:06 Apollon77

... (where Ic an not support ...

what is 'Ic'?

... IP manually ...

bluetooth device has no (known to me) IP. can i assign any IP of the network (if unused)

... mac-vlan ...

mac-vlan is in planning, unfortunately I need the container-host connection whose config I don't have completely ...restart bridge is not persistent :-(

kBrausew avatar Jun 08 '22 13:06 kBrausew

"Ic an" -> "I can"

The adapter only works on IP bassis so it will never detect the BLE devices, but the bridge and the bridge should have these as sub devices

Apollon77 avatar Jun 08 '22 13:06 Apollon77

... bridge ... as sub devices ...

Can I configure it somehow or is it already working after the initial configuration (usually)

Or may I enter the IP of the bridge on the sub device

kBrausew avatar Jun 09 '22 09:06 kBrausew

The proxy sync shopuld have added the bridget and sub devices as I remember ... and rest is then done when discovered via UDP ... But because I do not have such devices in such a combination I just "remember" that it worked that way

Apollon77 avatar Jun 09 '22 09:06 Apollon77

When I look at the log, I only see that it discovered the bridge (bf94d448b9679109b9bcfx) ... ... Fingerprint but not [bff053avzo2zygyr: None of the discovered devices matches :-( ]

is it now receiving UDP or not (bridge discovered, fingerprint not ...) what should I look for now?

kBrausew avatar Jun 09 '22 10:06 kBrausew

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs within the next 7 days. Please check if the issue is still relevant in the most current version of the adapter and tell us. Also check that all relevant details, logs and reproduction steps are included and update them if needed. Thank you for your contributions. Dieses Problem wurde automatisch als veraltet markiert, da es in letzter Zeit keine Aktivitäten gab. Es wird geschlossen, wenn nicht innerhalb der nächsten 7 Tage weitere Aktivitäten stattfinden. Bitte überprüft, ob das Problem auch in der aktuellsten Version des Adapters noch relevant ist, und teilt uns dies mit. Überprüft auch, ob alle relevanten Details, Logs und Reproduktionsschritte enthalten sind bzw. aktualisiert diese. Vielen Dank für Eure Unterstützung.

stale[bot] avatar Sep 20 '22 18:09 stale[bot]

Please try with version 3.7.0 and install the certificste anew after update!

Apollon77 avatar Oct 22 '22 21:10 Apollon77

Please also check 3.8.1, no proxy needed anymore

Apollon77 avatar Nov 11 '22 15:11 Apollon77