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How to load the server data disk to docker in apollo 9.0
In apollo_9.0 :How do I mount a data disk in docker
I have successfully loaded the data disk locally using the mount command
In Apollo 7.0/5.0, after changing the boot option,
The location is in the apollo/scripts file and was successfully mounted using the -v command on line 339
You can then see it in docer via "ls" command under the apollo/data folder
However, in apollo9.0, when it does the same, you can use the "cyber_recoder" command to cast the packet
However, after starting the dream_view command, an error occurs:
Check why there was an error in the bootstrap.sh script, but no reason was found.
if I do not do this change ,this will success to start the dreamview,and I make this not change ,they can also start as past.
So how do I mount a data disk in apollo9.0 docker?
I can do this in apollo9.0 to use the cyber_recoder to take a play,commond:cyber_recoder play -f z.record but i don't start the dreamview , and will have a error .