changes: - replace .NET Standard, .NET, .NET Core and PCL projects with: .NET Standard 1.0, .NET Standard 1.3 and .NET 2.0 combined in a single project via `netstandard1.0;netstandard1.3;net20` - Adapt...
I am testing EoE with the EL6601 and have difficulties to set it up correctly using `ecx_EOEsetIp`. My setup is: PC (NIC 1) -> EK1100 -> EL6601 (with 1 Ethernet...
In my very simple test setup I have only one EK1100 with no PDOs connected. In that case, since [length](https://github.com/OpenEtherCATsociety/SOEM/blob/8832ef0f2fa09fb0b06acaca239b51263ca1878c/soem/ethercatmain.c#L1723-L1728) is zero, no frame is sent out. Thus, `ecx_receive_processdata` cannot...
I am running the docker image with the following command (powershell): ``` cs sudo docker run ` --detach ` --name rclone ` --publish ` --restart always ` --volume /:/config/rclone...
From OneDAS-Ethercat created by [Apollo3zehn](https://github.com/Apollo3zehn): OneDAS-Group/OneDAS-Ethercat#18