
Results 102 comments of Apollo3zehn

Thanks, I'll merge it on Monday :-)

I am not sure if this is the right approach. The constructor accepts a `TcpClient` and an `IPEndpoint`: https://github.com/Apollo3zehn/FluentModbus/blob/2616f9067962f37ac5abb0cebd28fcdb5c0fef50/src/FluentModbus/Client/ModbusTcpClient.cs#L153 So this constructor assumes that you are not yet connected and...

I have changed the constructor signatures in v5 (will be released today). Thanks anyway for hinting me into the right direction.

I thought about putting it into the base class but the base class itself does not need to be disposed so from an idealistic perspective it makes more sense to...

Thanks for the explanations, I`ll come back to you next week.

If you want to know if a slave variable has changed, there is no built-in method to monitor changes. Data from all the slaves is collected in a single round-trip...

What happens if you make a clean `git clone` and then run the script? What is the console output?

Sorry I presumed you are using git to clone the reposity. Downloading the .zip and extracting it should make no difference. Do you have Visual Studio with the C++ workload...

The native DLLs are not created when compiling the managed DLLs (EtherCAT.NET.sln). They can be compiled using msbuild: ``` msbuild ./artifacts/bin32/SOEM_wrapper/soem_wrapper.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release msbuild ./artifacts/bin64/SOEM_wrapper/soem_wrapper.vcxproj /p:Configuration=Release ``` I have no test...

Are you able to read out the slave state, right after catching the exception? Maybe calling `Ecutilities.GetSlaveStateDescription(IntPtr context, IEnumerable slaves)` helps to find the reason for the slave not getting...