Is this normal?
Hi AliaksandrSiarohin, so awesome project! When I was using crop_video.py to create my own dataset, I found that there was a camera perspective switch in the middle of the cropped...
Hello author, based on the information you provided me above and python code, I have drawn a flowchart to streamline the process of models inference. Could you please help me...
运行first_order_predictor.py 的示例,下载好模型后直接出Killed paddlepaddle==2.2.0 用的cpu版的paddlepaddle,2核cpu,无显卡,是配置文件要改什么设置么?原版模型和mobilenet的都是一样的killed ``` (Paddle) [root@iZwz9a1y0l9hm5k35z5f1tZ applications]# python -u tools/first-order-demo.py --driving_video ../docs/imgs/fom_dv.mp4 --source_image ../docs/imgs/fom_source_image.png --config ../configs/firstorder_vox_mobile_256.yaml --ratio 0.4 --relative --adapt_scale --mobile_net [07/23 11:17:02] ppgan INFO: Found /root/.cache/ppgan/vox-mobile.pdparams Killed ```
在 docs/zh_CN/tutorials/motion_driving.md 文末有提供一个 [FOM-Lite-Demo](https://paddlegan.bj.bcebos.com/applications/first_order_model/paddle_lite/apk/fom_demo.zip) 请问有没有ios端的demo可以提供学习一下的啊,感谢