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Allow for saved `.sql` files in the `ape` folder for the `cache` plugin

Open johnson2427 opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments


Currently only have the capability to run SQL directly in the command line, we want the ability to save .sql files and run these files as a saved query.

For example: We save a .sql query SELECT column FROM table WHERE column = value as select_column_value.sql and then give cache the ability to find this file in the hidden ape folder.

Then the subsequent query would look like:


ape cache query --network <network> select_column_value



johnson2427 avatar Aug 05 '22 18:08 johnson2427

Where exactly would these get stored?

fubuloubu avatar Aug 05 '22 18:08 fubuloubu

@fubuloubu good question. .ape/saved_queries/ It doesn't have to rely on network. They're just basic queries. We could probable add a bunch ourselves to that folder if we would like.

johnson2427 avatar Aug 05 '22 19:08 johnson2427