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IPX800 V4 integration for Home-Assistant

ipx800v4 component for Home Assistant

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This a custom component for Home Assistant. The ipx800v4 integration allows you to get information and control the IPX800 v4 and its extensions.

README en français :fr:



HACS > Integrations > Explore & Add Repositories > GCE IPX800 V4 > Install this repository


Copy custom_components/ipx800 in config/custom_components of your Home Assistant (you must have *.py files in config/custom_components/ipx800v4). Add the ipx800v4 entry in your configuration.yml (see example below).

The IPX800 must be available during Home Assistant start. If you have an other home automation system which query the IPX800, like Jeedom, disable it during start to ensure it will respond to requests.


You can control by setting the type of the device:

  • relay as switch and light or climate (with https://www.gce-electronics.com/fr/nos-produits/314-module-diode-fil-pilote-.html)
  • virtualout as switch and binarysensor
  • virtualin as switch
  • digitalin as binarysensor
  • analogin as sensor
  • virtualanalogin as sensor or number
  • xdimmer as light
  • xeno as sensor
  • xpwm as light
  • xpwm_rgb as light (use 3 xpwm channels)
  • xpwm_rgbw as light (use 4 xpwm channels)
  • x4vr as cover
  • x4vr_bso as cover with BSO/tilt support
  • xthl as sensors
  • x4fp as climate
  • counter as sensor or number


# Example configuration.yaml entry
  - name: IPX800
    host: ""
    api_key: "apikey"
      - name: Chaudière
        icon: mdi:water-boiler
        type: "relay"
        component: "switch"
        id: 3
      - name: Lumière Garage
        type: relay
        component: light
        id: 9
      - name: Lumière Salle à Manger
        type: xdimmer
        component: light
        id: 1
      - component: light
        name: Spots Cuisine
        type: xpwm
        id: 1
      - component: light
        name: "Bandeau de LED Salon"
        type: xpwm_rgbw
        ids: [9, 10, 11, 12]
        transition: 1.5
      - component: binary_sensor
        device_class: motion
        name: Présence Cuisine
        type: virtualout
        id: 1
      - component: binary_sensor
        name: Sonnette
        type: digitalin
        icon: mdi:bell-circle-outline
        id: 1
      - component: binary_sensor
        name: Porte garage
        type: digitalin
        icon: mdi:garage
        id: 2
        invert_value: true
      - component: sensor
        device_class: illuminance
        name: Luminosité Cuisine
        icon: mdi:white-balance-sunny
        type: analogin
        id: 1
        unit_of_measurement: "lx"
      - component: sensor
        name: Capteur Rez-de-Chaussée
        type: xthl
        id: 1
      - component: cover
        name: Volet Salon
        type: x4vr
        ext_id: 1
        id: 1
      - component: climate
        name: Radiateur Salon
        type: x4fp
        ext_id: 1
        id: 1
      - component: climate
        name: Radiateur Salle de Bains
        type: relay
        ids: [7, 8]
      - component: number
        name: Compteur
        type: counter
        id: 1
      - component: sensor
        device_class: humidity
        name: Humidité Salle de Bains
        type: xeno
        id: 123
        unit_of_measurement: "%"
      - component: sensor
        device_class: temperature
        name: Température Salle de Bains
        type: xeno
        id: 124
        unit_of_measurement: "C"

List of configuration parameters

  description: Name of the IPX800.
  required: true
  type: name
  description: Hostname or IP address of the IPX800.
  required: true
  type: host
  description: HTTP port.
  required: false
  default: 80
  type: port
  description: API key (need to be activate in Network => API)
  required: true
  type: string
  description: Username (for X-PWM control only)
  required: false
  type: string
  description: User's password (for X-PWM control only)
  required: false
  type: string
  description: Time in seconds between two polling, small value can cause error from the IPX800
  required: false
  default: 10
  type: int
  description: Define a password to allow API calls from IPX800 PUSH
  required: false
  type: string
  description: List of your devices configuration (switch of relays, light of X-Dimmer...), see below
  required: true
  type: list

Devices configuration

  description: device type
  required: true
  type: string
  values: "switch", "light", "cover", "sensor" or "binary_sensor"
  description: friendly name of the device
  required: true
  type: string
  description: custom device_class for binary_sensor and sensor only, see Home Assistant
  required: false
  type: string
  description: set a unit of measurement for sensor only
  required: false
  type: string
  description: transition time in millisecond, for lights only trough X-Dimmer or X-PWM
  required: false
  default: 500
  type: int
  description: custom icon
  required: false
  type: string
# Type to control/Get value, only one otherwise the device will not be added
  description: type of input/output on the IPX800 or an extension.
  required: true
  type: string
  values: "relay", "analogin", "virtualanalogin", "digitalin", "virtualin", "virtualout", "xdimmer", "xpwm", "xpwm_rgb", "xpwm_rgbw", "xthl", "x4vr", "x4fp", "relay_fp", "counter"
  description: id of type output, required for all except xpwm_rgb and xpwm_rgbw type
  required: false
  type: int
  description: id of X-4VR extension, required only for x4vr and x4fp type
  required: false
  type: int
  description: ids of channel for xpwm_rgb, xpwm_rgbw type or relay as climate component
  required: false
  type: list of int
  description: default brightness for xpwm, xpwm_rgb and xpwm_rgbw only for turn on command (must be between 1 and 255)
  required: false
  type: int
  description: invert the value returned for binary_sensors (on become off and vice versa)
  required: false
  type: bool
  default: false

Push data from the IPX800

First, if you want to push data from your IPX800, you have to set a password on push_password config parameter. Then in your IPX800 PUSH configuration, in the Identifiant field, set : ipx800:mypassword.

By calling the URL /api/ipx800v4_refresh/on from the IPX800, you ask a state refresh from all IPX800 entities.

You can update value of a entity by set a Push command in a IPX800 scenario. Usefull to update directly binary_sensor and switch. In URL ON and URL_OFF set /api/ipx800v4/entity_id/state:

PUSH configuration example

You can update values of multiple entities with one request (see official wiki: https://wiki.gce-electronics.com/index.php?title=API_V4#Inclure_des_.C3.A9tiquettes_dans_les_notifications_.28mail.2C_push_et_GSM.29)

You have to set the entity_id=$XXYY separate by a &, example : /api/ipx800v4_data/binary_sensor.presence_couloir=$VO005&light.spots_couloir=$XPWM06.

PUSH data configuration example

Finally, you can also push the states of all IPX entities directly and without naming them using bulk update. For example to update all relays from the IPX800v4 : /api/ipx800v4_bulk/relay/$R.

PUSH bulk configuration example

The labels tested are as follows:

  • Relays: /api/ipx800v4_bulk/relay/$R
  • Digital In: /api/ipx800v4_bulk/digitalin/$D
  • Virtual In: /api/ipx800v4_bulk/virtualin/$VI
  • Virtual Out: /api/ipx800v4_bulk/virtualout/$VO

See official wiki for more information.

In case you have multiple IPX entries in your configuration, you can specify the name of the IPX in the route: /api/ipx800v4_bulk/<MY_IPX_NAME>/relay/$R.

This parameter in the URL is also available for each routes described above:

  • /api/ipx800v4_refresh/<MY_IPX_NAME>/on : you request a status update to all entities of the IPX800 named "MY_IPX_NAME"
  • /api/ipx800v4/<MY_IPX_NAME>/entity_id/state : you update the status of the "entity_id" on the IPX named "MY_IPX_NAME"
  • /api/ipx800v4_data/<MY_IPX_NAME>/binary_sensor.presence_couloir=$VO005&light.spots_couloir=$XPWM06 : you update the statuses of several entities on the IPX named MY_IPX_NAME
  • /api/ipx800v4_bulk/<MY_IPX_NAME>/relay/$R : you update the statuses of all relays on the IPX named MY_IPX_NAME


pypix800 python package (installed by Home-Assistant itself, nothing to do here)