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WIP: Perception Neuron MoCap example
In GitLab by @melund on Mar 13, 2019, 11:05
@NickHoo I have created a new MoCap example with you files.
However, I have run into a number of issues.
The first issue, which I (mentioned on github) is that AnyBody has a bug when there is 6 DOF per joint. I will try to fix that in upcoming version of AMS, but here we just do a workaround in AnyScript. The BVH stick figure will still look wierd when you load the model, but as soon as it runs it should work fine.
Second issue is that the BVH files you shared with me seems to be calibrated incorrectly. Some of the segments seem rotatated compare to the default anatomical positions. For example, the right foot in the standing and stoop trials seems twisted the wrong way. Similarly, the thigh seems rotated inccorectly in the sqaut trials.
If you can get me some new better files I will try to update and finish the model
In GitLab by @NickHoo on Mar 13, 2019, 16:40
Thanks for your help.
I understand the second issue. So I will give you some better files as soon as possible. I want to make sure what kind of BVH file do you want exactly.
As for the first issue, I am not sure what can I do for you.
Thanks again.
In GitLab by @melund on Mar 13, 2019, 16:58
Well I found a workaround for the first issue and hopefully I can fix the bug in AMS in the next release
In GitLab by @NickHoo on Mar 25, 2019, 17:04
Hi Morten. I met some problems when I collected data. I still need some time to fix it. From the screenshot, the pose looks strange also! Capture
In GitLab by @melund on Mar 26, 2019, 08:57
@NickHoo No problem. The example may not make it into the upcoming release. It should only be days away. But I don't think that should matter to you.