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V7 bridges display bug + fix

Open hortiSquash opened this issue 1 year ago • 1 comments

126.6 image 140 image

The bridge is stretched vertically and it covers the whole block and its horrible

image as you can see, the problem does not come from the code but from the crop applied to the sprites image

Fix : add all bridge sprites as exception to the cropping algorithm

While youre at it, you can search through all uses of the draw.scl() method and add the sprites affected to the exception list since they are most likely affected as well

  • [x] I have updated to the latest release (https://github.com/Anuken/Mindustry/releases) to make sure my issue has not been fixed.
  • [x] I have searched the closed and open issues to make sure that this problem has not already been reported.

hortiSquash avatar Dec 02 '22 03:12 hortiSquash

I agree. It's horrible. It's. "Its" is the possessive use of this noun & should be used thusly: its horribleness cannot be countenanced for longer than the span of a few milliseconds before 1 realizes it's not going to get better unless something drastic is done!

LeahLuong avatar Dec 22 '22 19:12 LeahLuong


~~this is actually the wrong bridge code, completely unrelated~~

Anuken avatar Jan 07 '23 19:01 Anuken