vscode-openscad copied to clipboard
Launching OpenSCAD fails with symlink in launch path.
@Antyos I set the logLevel to DEBUG, but not sure where I should see the output of it. In the Developer Tools, I do see the following error regardless of if that flag is set or not:
ERR Command failed: C:\Apps\openscad\openscad.exe --version terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::filesystem::filesystem_error' what(): boost::filesystem::read_symlink: The request is not supported: "C:" : Error: Command failed: C:\Apps\openscad\openscad.exe --version terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::filesystem::filesystem_error' what(): boost::filesystem::read_symlink: The request is not supported: "C:" at genericNodeError (node:internal/errors:984:15) at wrappedFn (node:internal/errors:538:14) at ChildProcess.exithandler (node:child_process:423:12) at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:519:28) at ChildProcess.emit (node:domain:488:12) at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1105:16) at ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:305:5) console.ts:137 [Extension Host] rejected promise not handled within 1 second: Error: Command failed: C:\Apps\openscad\openscad.exe --version terminate called after throwing an instance of 'boost::filesystem::filesystem_error' what(): boost::filesystem::read_symlink: The request is not supported: "C:" (at console.<anonymous> (file:///c:/Users/user/scoop/apps/vscode-insiders/1.94.0-1727327122221/resources/app/out/vs/workbench/api/node/extensionHostProcess.js:158:10032))
openscad.exe isn't behind a symlink (although vscode-insiders is). And of course this is the zip version. If I do this in a terminal I get version info just fine.
C:\Apps\openscad>openscad --version OpenSCAD version 2021.01
If you prefer (and not complicated), I can also try to look at the issue (and send a PR if able).
Originally posted by @alok-mishra in https://github.com/Antyos/vscode-openscad/issues/62#issuecomment-2429656689