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Use PLY exported from NGP?
The code below is from gaussian_splatting/scene/
- I wonder if this is from colmap or someother places?
- I try to use the transforms.json and PLY file exported from NGP as input, and both of them are in nerf coordinate. I check the
code and find the transforms.json is converted to COLMAP coordinate. Is that means the NGP PLY file is not matched to the converted transforms.json, so I cannot use the NGP PLY file? What if I don't do the coordinate convertion(delete the convertion code ofdataset_readers
file) and make both json and PLY stay in NeRF coordinate?
Is anyone have some advice? Thanks a lot!!!
def readNerfSyntheticInfo(path, white_background, eval, extension=".png"):
print("Reading Training Transforms")
train_cam_infos = readCamerasFromTransforms(path, "transforms_train.json", white_background, extension)
print("Reading Test Transforms")
test_cam_infos = readCamerasFromTransforms(path, "transforms_test.json", white_background, extension)
if not eval:
test_cam_infos = []
nerf_normalization = getNerfppNorm(train_cam_infos)
ply_path = os.path.join(path, "points3d.ply")
if not os.path.exists(ply_path):
# Since this data set has no colmap data, we start with random points
num_pts = 100_000
print(f"Generating random point cloud ({num_pts})...")
# We create random points inside the bounds of the synthetic Blender scenes
xyz = np.random.random((num_pts, 3)) * 2.6 - 1.3
shs = np.random.random((num_pts, 3)) / 255.0
pcd = BasicPointCloud(points=xyz, colors=SH2RGB(shs), normals=np.zeros((num_pts, 3)))
storePly(ply_path, xyz, SH2RGB(shs) * 255)
pcd = fetchPly(ply_path)
pcd = None
scene_info = SceneInfo(point_cloud=pcd,
return scene_info