
Results 30 comments of Anton

I like the idea and it will definitely help in some cases. I agree with @krzysztofzablocki that it makes sense to add directly to Stencil and I think adding another...

Hi @joeblau, sounds like a cool idea actually, I will definitely add it to the roadmap 👌

Not really, but @orta had good ideas for the design here #19, you're welcome to share your thoughts 😄 > but my colleagues and I want a faster way to...

I like *bulk accept / reject snapshots with checkboxes* option 😄 As I understood from this: > click on each failed snapshot and then click "swap" to replace the broken...

@orta I like how full-size mode could look like 👍 , also I think it could be an option. From my experience sometimes it's just faster to check everything in...

Hey @joeblau I've done some improvements towards your request. Here is a preview: . Basically the idea is that you have now sections. Section contains multiple snapshots from the same...

@babbage I like the idea, and the wording makes more sense than the current one. Would be happy to review your PR 😄 Feel free to ping me if you...

Hi @babbage thanks for doing a great job 😄 May I ask you to submit first the PR with the rename and then another PR with the deletion of the...

No worries @babbage! Thanks for your work 😄

@babbage could you please clarify the main use case for the reject button. I'm sure you've added it for reason and I'm curious about it.