Anton Telyshev

Results 115 comments of Anton Telyshev

Sometimes it's ok to ignore `recover()` without explicit `_` and it doesn't matter since `recover()` is just a special case of a more general case. Some examples from std: ```go...

+1 ``` $ go get go: upgrade => v2.0.1 go get:[email protected]: parsing go.mod: module declares its path as: but was required as: ```

+1 for map preallocation checking

@robdefeo why is [assert.ErrorIs]([email protected]/assert#ErrorIs) not enough?

I see. Your tests written in bad pattern: it's better to just check for an error (how was before) than to use its text for comparison. `EqualError`, `ErrorContains` are examples...

> @Antonboom Does it look mergeable now? @feldgendler, I'm not the owner of repo :( I'm also interested in this fix and was just passing by. @achille-roussel, merge please...

> That code in the latest version will generate that body parameter if the spec has a body, which it determines by checking for spec.RequestBody It's for client only, not...