FlightAnimator icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
FlightAnimator copied to clipboard

Advanced Natural Motion Animations, Simple Blocks Based Syntax

Results 5 FlightAnimator issues
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It probably won't be easy, but this may help: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13275294/detect-if-slow-animations-is-on-off-in-ios-simulator-in-code

Hi, I'm using your library, and it's a very nice work, but I was wondering if you were thinking of adding a delay property to the PropertyAnimationConfig. I know there's...

I'm most likely just missing something, but I don't see any property that lets me specify that I want an animation and its sub animations to repeat. Is there something...

Update framework to support scrubbing across sequenced animations: - Currently the framework only supports scrubbing across a single FAAnimationGroup - Need to implement ability to trigger/pause and scrub sub animations...
